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Posts Tagged ‘Natick Soldier Systems Center’

The 6-Color And Night Desert Uniform Trials

Monday, February 15th, 2016

This photo, from the ‘Desert Lab’ article in the May 1976 issue of ‘SOLDIERS’ magazine depicts Mr William Wright wearing the 6-Color Desert Camouflage uniform.  He was the head of the Clothing Equipment and Materials Engineering Laboratory at Natick and can be seen talking to a member of the 3rd ACR at Fort Bliss, Texas during the camouflage evaluation.  The Soldier is wearing the Parka in the Night Desert Pattern which was optimized to confuse night vision systems.  It was paired with an over trouser.  The idea was that the items could be worn when the temperatures dropped during the night.  

The 6-Color Pattern was optimized for use in the American Southwest and was replaced during Operation Desert Storm by the 3-Color Desert Pattern.  During the test, members of the ‘Brave Rifles’ also tried out prototype Meals, Ready-to-Eat.

BG Thomas H Todd III Assumes Command of the Natick Soldier Systems Center

Thursday, December 3rd, 2015

During a ceremony on 24 November, 2015, officated by MG John Wharton, BG Thomas H Todd III assumed command of the Natick Soldier Systems Center from BG William Cole. BG Todd also serves as deputy commanding general of the US Army Research, Development and Engineering Command, or RDECOM, at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD.

BG William Cole, MG John Wharton and BG Thomas Todd participated in the Arrival and Departure ceremony at the Natick Soldier Systems Center. Todd assumed responsibility as senior mission commander of the Natick Soldier Systems Center. Photo: Mr. David Kamm (RDECOM)

BG Todd comes to Natick from Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, where he was project manager, Utility Helicopters, Program Executive Office, Aviation. There, he led the UH-60M Black Hawk Program into a five-year multi-year contract, achieved program initiation approval for the Improved Turbine Engine Program and the H-60V Black Hawk Program, and fielded more than 500 UH/HH-60M and UH-72A aircraft to the Army, Navy, Air Force, Homeland Security and 35 international partners.

Congratulations to BG Todd on this assignment and best wishes to BG Cole as he departs Natick.

BG Daniel P. Hughes Appointed as Commander of Natick

Monday, May 13th, 2013

Secretary of the Army, the Honorable John McHugh has announced that BG Daniel P. Hughes will assume the post of Commanding General of Natick and will simultaneously serve as the Deputy Commanding General of the Army’s Research, Development and Engineering Command at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland.

In September, 2012 BG John McGuiness left the command and it has been under the interim authority of John Obusek, a DA civilian and retired Colonel. As the only active duty military installation in New England, it is good to see Natick once again commanded by a General Officer.


US Army Interested in Field Solutions to Soldier Camouflage

Thursday, May 10th, 2012

In a Request for Information released last week entitled, “Request for Information on Field Solutions to Soldier Camouflage: Identify in-the-field solutions/materials that will give Soldiers the ability to improve/adjust camouflage uniforms and equipment to better match the specific terrain” the US Army has cast a net seeking “for on-the-spot/field solutions that can be applied to the baseline uniform that will provide for better visual/near-infrared blending for specific areas. These solutions will have the capability to adjust camouflage uniforms and Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) in-the-field to provide enhanced performance in specific sites of conflict.”

During the Q&A portion of the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort industry day, PEO Soldier officials specifically ruled out such nontraditional solutions for the program which concentrates on a family of printed camouflage patterns for clothing and individual equipment. Apparently, they’ve realized that even three patterns (Temperate, Woodland and Desert) won’t even be specific enough for every environment and that there will be a requirement for even more specific patterns. Considering how long it has taken to make this camo program happen, I don’t blame them. A conflict could well be over before a development program could even begin let alone see its way to completion.

There’s another interesting aspect to this RFI. If a solution is identified, it could allow the Army to retain a single pattern and just rely on the site specific camo technology for anything that doesn’t match well.

Having said all of that I have to mention that I’m not sure what happened, but the Army I was in, way back in the 80s taught Soldiers to utilize natural materials from their local environment to further camouflage themselves. This really might be more of a ‘Training’ issue than a ‘Material’ one (DOTMLPF). I’ve noticed a lot of field craft has gone by the wayside. I don’t know if the Army has forgotten lessons learned, leaders aren’t enforcing standards or the Army is just plain tired after 10 years at war.

At any rate, if you’ve got some great ideas, then check out the RFI and let the Army know about it.

US Army IOTV Laundering Saves $62 Million

Sunday, April 22nd, 2012

A few years ago there was a major shortage of Improved Outer Tactical Vest body armor systems. Two members of the Soldier Equipment Support Team, Life Cycle Logistics, Product Support Integration Directorate, Integrated Logistics Support Center, Natick Soldier Systems Center, studied the best way to commercially clean, rather than replace, IOTV garments. Willie Yung and Jason Sellazzo (seen above) found a method that has already saved the Army more than $62 million over two years.

They conducted a one-year study, sponsored by Product Manager Soldier Protective Equipment, in 2009-2010, using 90 IOTVs from the Central Issue Facility at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. The vests were separated into nine groups of 10 each in three classifications: lightly, moderately and heavily soiled.

After the IOTVs were commercially cleaned three times each using four different methods in Nashville, Tennessee, they were sent to the Textile Materials Evaluation Team at Natick. Testing there revealed that commercial cleaning of IOTV components using “computer-controlled wet cleaning” was safe, effective, would result in huge cost savings over replacement, and would help ease any shortage of vests in theater.

“In 2010 and 2011, the Central Management Office has cleaned a total of 145,000 IOTVs,” Yung said. “And we estimate that by cleaning them, we have helped avoid spending over $62 million, because if they could not be cleaned, then the Army would have to buy new ones to replace them.”

Natick is currently working on a new contract to continue this money saving process. They are also looking at expanding the cleaning to other OCIE items beyond just the IOTV.

Attention Soldier Systems Industry Partners

Thursday, April 19th, 2012

As key partners who understand the significant impact our military installations have on the community and economy in Massachusetts – especially in the MetroWest region, SSD has been asked on behalf of the Warrior Protection & Readiness Coalition to invite you to join Lt. Governor Tim Murray, Chairman of the Military Asset and Security Strategy Task Force, and state officials for a roundtable discussion about the importance of the Natick Soldier Systems Center, its partners, and the defense industry in the state. We highly encourage anyone from our industry who will be in the Boston area on Monday to attend. A special thank you to the Morse Institute Library for hosting this important discussion.

Discussion with Lt. Governor Murray and the Military Asset and Security Strategy Task Force

Monday April 23 at 11:45 a.m.

Morse Institute Library, Meeting Hall, 14 East Central Street, Natick

To this post by Sunday April 22 with your name, job title, and association. Email

This is a public event but please RSVP.

For more information on the Military Asset and Security Strategy Task Force visit

Personal Augmentation Technology – Call for White Papers

Wednesday, March 7th, 2012

The US Army Research Development Engineering Command, Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center (NSRDEC), Natick, MA, is conducting a Request for Information for Concept (White) Papers on Personal Augmentation Technologies for the Warfighter and Homeland Defender.

They are interested in technologies and concepts that provide improvements in strength, endurance and/or ergonomics while maintaining user safety and reducing muscular fatigue, physical injury, and soreness during various load carriage and various tasks, are of interest. Example load carriage tasks include heavy and repetitive lifting, load transport, and difficult load tasks in unique environments. Ease of use and integration with current and future user clothing and individual mission equipment are factors of interest. Long operating life from a reliable power source, and low cost are also factors of interest.

There are 4 specific personal augmentation technology types sought:
1. Agility – Lightweight, low-powered, quick reaction physiological assist device for dismounted users. Injury reduction, high mobility, and endurance are key focuses.
2. Support – Physiological assist device that helps wearer to conduct sustainment and logistics tasks including heavy supply lifting, loading, unloading, and transporting at a Forward Operating Base (FOB) or alike. Injury reduction, strength assist, and throughput/production augmentation are key focuses.
3. Extreme Support – Specialized physiological assist device designed for specific tasks in extreme environments. Able to interface with special tools to conduct specific tasks. Example users include wild land firefighters and urban search and rescue. Injury reduction, strength assist, and high mobility are key focuses.
4. Depot / Industrial – Specialized physiological assist device designed for specific tasks in unique depot environments. Able to interface with special tools to conduct specific tasks. Injury, stress, and fatigue reduction and throughput/production augmentation are key focuses.

Interested parties have until March 31 to submit white papers in accordance with NSRDEC Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) 11-13, under topic # C16- Future Warrior Technology Integration, which can be found at Proprietary information will not be shared outside of the Government.

Check out the solicitation on FBO.

Army Preparing to Produce Baseline Camo Gear for Testing

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012

Natick has released a Special Notice making known their intent to “negotiate on a sole source basis with Beyond Clothing, LLC” to produce 310 sets of “AOR 1/2 Fabric (50/50 Nyco), Helmet Covers, Pants and Blouses. These uniforms are among the baseline uniforms required for camouflage testing and evaluation.”

Army-style uniforms and OCIE do not exist in the AOR 1 & 2 patterns. What’s more, the patterns are restricted, so any gear must be manufactured by a company already certified to handle the fabric. OCP, or as it is commercially known, MultiCam is the other baseline pattern for the upcoming field trial phase of the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort. Due to its use in Afghanistan, there is already an ample supply of the equipment available.

One interesting note. Currently, OCP is only issued as the FR ACU and not the standard FR ACU. While much work has been done to color match dyed TenCate’s Defender-M fabric used to manufacture the FR ACU, the pattern may look differently than it would when printed on 50/50 NYCO. This is a variance that will have to be considered in performance unless the Army also pursues the acquisition of an adequate number of OCP NYCO test uniforms. If they are commercially sourced, further care will need to be taken that such uniforms are not in the so-called MultiCam VS print which does not provide NIR protection.

These ‘baseline’ Government issue patterns will be pitted against four commercial families of patterns to determine the best performer and possible new Army issue camouflage.

The commercial finalists are:
ADS Inc as Prime, partnered with Guy Cramer
Brookwood Companies
Crye Precision