Protact by Haartz

Posts Tagged ‘WS Darley’

Darley Days Ft Drum – Eureka Rapid Deployable System

Thursday, August 9th, 2012

Shown at yesterday’s Darley Days, this Rapid Deployable Shelter from Eureka! turned some heads.


Designed to interface with TEMPER tents, the feature that is drawing folks to the RDS is its articulated unique frame system. It kind of reminds me of those mobile vestibules many use for picnics. You stretch the frame out and use pins to keep it from collapsing.

What’s really neat about it is that you don’t have to lift parts up into the air and held them in place while you get everything lined up.


The RDS also features replaceable windows and the skin is made from a PVC coated, high tenacity polyester fabric.
