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Posts Tagged ‘Zanfel Labs’

MDM – Zanfel Poison Ivy Wash

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011


Zanfel Poison Ivy Wash from Zanfel Labs is designed to allow the affected person to literally wash away urushiol oil which is the toxin contained in plants that irritates 85% of the population. The wash can be used at anytime after contact and on any part of the body including the face and genitals.

Designed originally for over the counter, commercial use, Army personal began using the soap after finding that poison ivy related hospital stays were reduced from 3 days to as little as 2 hours meaning after a single use, a patient can be immediately returned to duty.

One important tip that Zanfel wanted us to pass along is that poison ivy oils can stay viable for up to 5 years and footwear and in particular laces retain these oils. According to them the best cure for this issue is to wash your shoes or boots with simple dishwashing liquid.