AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

Posts Tagged ‘ZERO Heavy Industries’

Zombie Targets from ZERO Heavy Industries

Friday, November 4th, 2011

ZERO Heavy Industries isn’t a company that jumped on the “Zombie Bandwagon” to make a couple of quick bucks. On no, they recognized the Zombie menace from the git go and set up an entire company specifically to deal with the newest threat to our way of life.

In addition to full line of carbines, they’ve elected to produce a series of training aids. The Zombie targets are a full 23″ x 35″. Printed on 70 lb offset paper in full color on an earth tone background, using vegetable (soy) based inks. Additionally, there’s ample space to make notes in the margin. Heck, they’ve thought of everything. Even the environment. They print with vegetable (soy) based inks, and these targets are printed completely with wind-power credits. Available in packs of 3,6,12, or 24. Did we mention they are Made in USA!?

Look for an article on their line of Zombie neutralizing carbines soon, here on SSD.