
RE Factor Tactical Offers 9-Line Stickers

Sure, RE Factor Tactical has some really great morale t-shirts, but they also offer an item that has some tactical utility. Their 9-Line Medevac sticker is perfect for mounting in vehicles, on radios and anywhere you might need a handy reference. You used to be able to get these from TASC but they were never this well done.

One thing we really like about RE FActor Tactical is that they are vets themselves and donate a portion of their profits to military related charities. Made from Water Resistant Vinyl in Tan, sized 2.5″ x 4″ or 4″ x 6″.

*For those unfamiliar with the term “RE” it stands for Relative Effectiveness of an energetic in relation to TNT with TNT having an RE of 1.


5 Responses to “RE Factor Tactical Offers 9-Line Stickers”

  1. Brenden says:

    Great post, bought 4 of the large medevac stickers which will come in handy when we ship out for Afghanistan.

    Also had to order a Go Fu&k yourself T shirt. Thanks for the lead!!!!

  2. Aaron says:

    This is a great product, and I would love to order some for my guys. My only gripe is that this is not up to date with the current NATO 9-line standard being used in theater.

    Line 3 no longer has the Urgent Surgical and Convenience categories. It should now read as “Line 3: A- Urgent B- Priority C- Routine”.

    Line 8 has the addition of “F- Child” now.

    I also have seen the addition of “E- Escort” on Line 5, but it does not seem to be standardized yet. I think it is worthwhile and should be included in the case of an escort provided for a child.

    Additionally, while still standardized as Line 9 being for NBC, it is common practice for it to just be labeled as terrain description and have no mention on NBC during the report.

    MIST reports are also commonly given alongside a 9 line now also.

    M- Mechanism of injury
    I- Injury or illness sustained
    S- Symptoms and vital signs
    T- Treatments given

    References include NATO STANAG 2087 & 3204.

    Good product, great intentions, just needs to be updated.

  3. Peter says:

    These are slick little stickers. The 2.5×4 sticker fits perfectly on my M4 buttstock as an idiot guide.

  4. Alan says:

    Sounds like a neat idea.

    It is pretty cool to think back to the “Dark Ages” of tactical stuff,when I first joined in 1985,and how few things there were,and fewer companies catering to us, and then to see everything NOW,and all there is,and it really is awesome how far the “Tactical” thing has come.

    Gonna go order a few of this stickers for inside vehicles,just to “Idiot Proof” stuff,because,as we all know, sometimes under stress you forget even the most common things,and this is 1 less thing I need worry about my team forgetting.

  5. Riceball says:

    These would make for great checklists to post inside a Marine Corps DASC, help the operators make sure they got all of the info they need.