
Recoil Magazine

Recoil magazine’s premier issue hit newsstands yesterday. Intended for the “gun lifestyle”, Recoil is a fun read. If you don’t believe there is a “gun lifestyle” just go to SHOT Show. You’ll see it in full force. It’s nice to see someone launching an actual printed publication in this day and age.

The photography is excellent. Two other things set it apart in my opinion. One is the format size and the other is the paper. It almost reminds me of the slew of Japanese “gun” rags (Combat, Strike, Guns, etc) with a touch of Wired and Maxim thrown in for good measure. But, it’s assuredly American and definitely caters to those of us who are into the gear.

You can tell these guys are fans by the content but I hope they bring in some outside talent to change it up a little. Let’s hope they can keep it going. If they can sustain their quality at this level they’ve got a dedicated reader in me.

I almost forgot…it comes with a free psycho clown target.


39 Responses to “Recoil Magazine”

  1. EODClass03180S says:

    Picked this up at the PX yesterday. Extremely impressed with the quality of the photography and articles. It’s not just the “same old” gun rags that seem like you’re basically reading the same mag month after month. Plus it came with a free “psycho clown” target. It’s definately my new favorite magazine and I hope the folks at Recoil have a long and successful run.

  2. John M. Denny says:

    Yes, yes and yes! This is an awesome read, I can’t wait for the next issue! As to the lifestyle, only those not in it would have to ask of it’s existence.

  3. Shodan. says:

    Saw it. Bought it. Read it. Loved it.

    Want more depth though, felt some of the articles only scratched the surface, but totally agree that if they can keep the quality up they will have a consistent reader.

  4. I see what you mean but... says:

    By gun culture do you mean “California Gun Culture”

  5. TM says:

    Got it yesterday and liked it a lot. Not quite as good as Surefire’s Combat Tactics, but still very good for what it is. Definitely has a Maxim feel to it.

  6. I see what you mean but... says:

    I went to purchase a copy and they were sold out. That was quick.

  7. Scott says:

    The impressive cover art drew me to this mystery magazine, passed the checkout lines. The 5 seconds I had to spare were enough to hook me. I found and read the posts here, and you can bet I will go back and buy it tonight!! Thank you RM! Can’t wait to read it in full.

  8. Rico says:

    Love the first issue of your magazine. Hope to get a subscription. Hoping each edition includes an EDC and survival portion and don’t forget how important knives are in the gun culture. Looking to get a subscription.

  9. Brannon says:

    Just picked up my issue yesterday. Love it. Great photography great articles. Very useful.

  10. Recoil_fan says:

    Finally…a gun magazine massad ayoob doesn’t write for…

  11. Scott says:

    Saw it, bought it, loved it! Been looking at a new Jeep, might have to work in the upgrades they put on their Toyota.

  12. TheBuggOutBaron says:

    Great magazine! I have told a few of my friends about this magazine, which in turn had them telling there friends. It isn’t everyday you get something in print that covers just about everything a growing self defense loving, tactical weapon shooting, zombie hating, bug out obsessed boy needs. I would like to ask for one thing though, in the next issue, can you guys cover some of the best tactical packs for one, three, and seven day bug outs?

    Thanks again,


  13. TheBuggOutBaron says:


  14. KPETERS9 says:

    just got it,ate it up, & loved wallet and i are in total agreement to my already full grown passion of tactical readiness and personal protection. Its a very easy read and the images are worth the cost alone. waiting to order my subscription. would love it if its available as a e-mag aswell.

  15. P Vaughn says:

    I can’t wait to subscribe. Loved this 1st issue!!! It’s the magazine I’ve been looking for!! Great Job Recoil!

  16. Rhino81 says:

    HOW CAN I GET A SUBSCRIPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. jack says:

    Good magazine ! Needs more info and more affordable options, but ,a quality magazine that I will continue to grab !

  18. Brent says:

    Overall I enjoyed the first issue. However, I do have to take exception to the writer of the HK416 article. He states that a short stroke piston system is a more desirable operating system because it prevents hot gases from entering the “chamber”!!! Hot gases entering the chamber are a result of problems with the weapon (headspace incorrect, chamber diameter oversized, etc), or ammunition problems (csae split or rupture). In writing an article about a weapon in the AR15/M16 format, the author should be knowledable of the direct impingement operating system and know that the tapped gases move from the gas port through the gas tube into the bolt carrier and finally vent through the two small verticle hole on the ejection port side of the bolt.

  19. union_thug says:

    Wow… I am usually behind the curve on new media ( I still refuse to use the Facebook) but I happened on your may today at my local CVS and I love it.. High speed low drag with no blow in ads and the only stitch in is a psycho clown target? Nice.

    I loved everything but I wonder aloud how an article featuring the best knives for the task at hand omitted the Sebenza, Chris Reeves titanium handle beauty made in Boise didn’t make the article? Maybe next time, keep up the good work.


  20. Travis Hall says:

    great mag. i will continue to buy these perfect for my lifestyle.

  21. Cameron says:

    awesome magazine will be looking forward to the follow up.

  22. Computer grafix design says:

    Love the mag hope they keep up the fact that its very broad and not just AR’s. Love the fact that there are accesories like off road equipment, the house thats zombie proof, knives but most of all and I cant stress this enough is the fact that some where on the page you put product info from the picture I cant tell you how often people are like I like those gloves that tactical light that belt that scope but u have to seach on just whats in the pic so keep those product info comming we love it other companys rarly give that info.

  23. Billy sinks says:

    Loved the mag well made will be happy to buy more when they come out! Better then most I have seen.

  24. Mark H McKinney says:

    How can I subscribe?

  25. COLE says:

    I too thought it an incredible departure from the usual. Most gun mags distort test findings and mask problems in products evaluated to cater to their sponsors. I was pleased to find real world feedback on even the most highly touted companies products, many findings we ourselves had already concluded on in our own evaluations. Long live RECOIL magazine!

  26. Tony F. says:

    LOVE IT!!!!! fantastic photog! great all-round articles. MORE please!

  27. clark says:

    Great mag, next make it available for iPad.

  28. Brandon says:

    Great Magazine!!! How do I subscribe???

  29. Tommy says:

    Awesome magazine! Hope, I would like see more Recoil magazine in future.

  30. GILBERT says:


  31. kilo 3/6 says:


  32. I saw this mag at my local book store and was IMPRESSED! I felt as if this mag was designed 100% for me! It has a completely unique look & feel compaired to all the other tired, same old gun rags out there. Lets face it, not all of us really care about some 100 year old revolver with hand etched engraving & what not. THIS IS THE MAG I HAVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR since the day I started shooting! It covers all the super cool tactical gear, but not just that. They cover other cool topics as well. As soon as I can find a way to subscribe, Im in FOREVER! Keep up the amazing work!

  33. The O.C.militiaman says:

    This magazine is cool.Discovered at the begining of the new year,believe it or not at “Wal-Mart!”It’s something alittle different than the other firearms magazines.Only thing missing,where’s the 3-5 page of the hot model wearing military camo bikini holding an assaultrifle?

  34. Oscar Cortez Jr says:

    I bought and read the first issue/premiere of recoil magazine, great job great mag looking forward to the next issue keep up the good work……….HOOAH !!!

  35. STELLA says:


  36. anthony says:

    where can i order this magazine,in the uk,thanks all

  37. Jake says:

    OMFG I love it, the pictures are so nice and clear, I love how it is just more than guns, trucks, gear etc rolled into one magazine.

  38. Mat says:

    It took me three stores to find thus mag, they were all sold out. I loved it, maybe a little bit to yuppie for me, but I have to confess, I stippled my XD and AR. Best mag since Sports Compact Car RIP (in my opinion).