SureFire XC3

Danish Armed Forces Selects SIG P320 X-Carry

This is something we haven’t discussed. Late last year, the Danish Armed Forces adopted the SIG P320 X-Carry based on a tender overseen by the Ministry of Defense’s Food and Purchasing Board (FMI). The pistols are supplied by local vendor, CT Solution Aps.

According to the Danish Army, a total of four guns were tested and they were subjected to “all conceivable conditions” by users of the Special Operations, Military Police, Air Force and Army. The P320 was the best candidate in the four-week trial period. The test program was prepared by Hærens Kamp- og Ildstøttecenter (HKIC) in cooperation with FMI. of malfunction test, accuracy test, shooting in the dark and field field. The gun was also tested by experts from Direct Shooting Weapons (DSV) at HKIC. made drop test, penetration test and precision test.

The P320 will be supplied in two versions, a standard and a concealed carry version. These will replace all pistols in the Armed Forces, such as the M / 49 which would only carry 8 rounds compated to the 21 rounds of the P320.

Fielding has begun and the new pistol is expected to be full fielded to all units by the end of 2019 with new equipmemt training to be completed by the Commonwealth Defense Command (VFK).

This video from the Danish Defense’s YouTube Channel depicts the testing.

Thanks Keld!


19 Responses to “Danish Armed Forces Selects SIG P320 X-Carry”

  1. NROL-39 says:

    Seems to be a growing trend. VA State Police is going to the 320 replacing the 229. I look for the USSS to go this route as well. Still like my block of Glock over Sig.

    • Ton E says:

      Where did you hear VSP is switchin to the P320? I wasn’t even aware they were looking at a new duty pistol.

      • NROL-39 says:

        Heard it from a Trooper, he said they even looked at going to 9 mm, but stayed with 357.

        • Shane says:

          True story…going to full size but agents will have the option to get the compact

        • Ton E says:

          I’m just amazed SIG hasn’t announced it.

          • NROL-39 says:

            I’m guessing it’s not a “big” deal since they already use Sigs. If they had been switching brands they would probably would have had more news on it.

  2. Paul J says:

    I like the concept of evaluation test carried by end users from different field.
    The result isn’t very surprising but interesting.

  3. Wraith11B says:

    Now, I get that the Danish armed forces are tiny, but they picked something and then immediately get it to where it belongs, rather than selecting something and then taking five years just to put it in low-rate production.

    • Joglee says:

      That’s the joy of being tiny. Everything happens faster. When you’re dealing with a contract of 500,000+ weapons there’s a lot more to it.

  4. Ebbe Wolff says:

    There are several errors in the text, most significantly the Pistols has NOT been fielded yet.

    The result of the test and tender was only first revealed today (April 12th 2018)

    FMI is our Danish Defense Acquisiton and Logistics Organization.

    VFK is our Defense Command.

    • Rage says:

      How many will be purchased?

      Meanwhile, the CF still doesn’t know what its requirements for a new handgun are…

  5. pablo says:

    what holster is that? anyone?

  6. fritz bousigschouer says:

    did the danish fell too for the sig trick of a cheaper price than glock?

    glock is still the best combat pistol system period.

    • Kris says:


    • cj says:

      No it’s not.
      The UK acquisition of the glock 17 for example; It’s not well liked, the P226 was superior and the trigger was a delight. The only reason the glock was chosen was because of negligent discharges. Far too easy for young bucks to accidently pop a round off because they were basically fucking about with the Sig. I speak from experience, I was one of them. A young hard charger that popped a round off by mistake because I was playing gangsta.
      The Army selected the glock because of the butterfly trigger. If you pop a round off it is because you meant to. That way there are no excuses, you’re gonna cop a charge for an ND.
      it hasn’t stopped guys fucking about however, we even lost a guy on ops because his friend was playing gangsta and ND’d into his chest.

      IN terms of performance and ergonomics, we’ve found that the glock is not as good as the Sig P226.

      • Keld says:

        I heard the Steyr was the superior pistol during the trials, but since the tender required the manufactorers to supply a holster along with the gun and Steyr had a crappy holster, Glock was selected for UK issue.

  7. Rage says:

    How many will be purchased?

    Meanwhile, the CF still doesn’t know what its requirements for a new handgun are…