FirstSpear TV

Warrior West 18 – Petzl Helo Adjust Tether Sneak Peek

Petzl developed this adjustable helo tether for military applications, and will release it very soon.  

It’s adjustable at the working end and easy to attach and detach from the first line belt as well as the aircraft’s hardpoint.  Please not, this is not the final production version, which will incorporate hardware in one solid color.

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4 Responses to “Warrior West 18 – Petzl Helo Adjust Tether Sneak Peek”

  1. PLiner says:

    Not sure that will fly with the AF/PJ crowd if that snap shackle pin(standing end) is spring loaded. I know that was one of the issues they had with previous use of snap shackles on these kinds of retention devices.

    • Adun says:

      I would definitely want the gate to be double locking and I would assume it would need to meet the 3600lb fall protection requirement for gate strength at a minimum.

      I am curious about whether or not they will use a static or a dynamic rope myself. Since it is so short and this is more of a fall restraint than a fall arrest, static probably makes sense, but dynamic might help lessen the shock of the fall some even with such a short lanyard length.

  2. Randomer says:

    The adjustment part is a Progress Adjust; unless they have done something special it is only rated for static rope (and will hold up to 22Kn).

    The hook part has 2 locking methods, the spring action and then a push piece at the back that has to be squeezed to release.

    Wonder how much they will charge for it in tacticool black rather than the standard colours (

  3. niceone says:

    replace the fix end buckle with some normal Carabiner with double-locking and it is good to go. But rather than using this Kongo Carabiner at the working end, they could have developed some 1 piece design. Anyway, seems better than the elastic ones.