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Operational Footage of French Military Using DroneGun

Operational footage of DroneShield’s products in action is rare because of the security and secrecy concerns of its end-user militaries and security agencies. In a rare instance of publicly-available footage, our friends at the French military have released the footage of their demonstration of DroneGun Tactical™ at the Bastille Day (France’s national holiday) celebrations in Paris on 14th July.  You can see the footage here.

You can see from the video that the DroneGun is being deployed in a demonstration approximating a real deployment in front of the dignitaries (this is not an actual live deployment). DroneShield’s products were deployed among other cutting-edge defence technologies being used by the French military. Incidentally, you can also see that, illustrating the product’s usability, one of the units is being operated, with ease, by a soldier of slight physical build. 

We are proud of this, and many other, deployments of our products in mission-critical environments around the world. 

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