Wilcox BOSS Xe

Special Air Sea Services

When we in the US were still thinking what a great idea it would be to offer quality commercial alternatives to issue Soldier Systems items, Special Air Seas Services was manufacturing and producing clothing, webbing, and packs. I have been using SASS products for 20 years and I recommend you take a look yourself.

Special Air Sea Services - Kit Karry Smock

One of SASS’ flagship products has long been the Kit Karry Smock. SASS constantly updates their designs and as a testament to this, the Kit Karry Smock is in the Mark V configuration. It features a whopping 17 pockets and is available in DPM Gabardine, Black, Olive or German Flecktarn. They are extremely accommodating and will manufacture smocks or other items from any camo pattern so long as you can provide the material.

To view Special Air Sea Services full line of kit, go to www.SASSKIT.co.uk.

Photo from SASS.


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