SIG MMG 338 Program Series

What’s the Frequency Kenneth?

A funny thing happened the French on the way to fielding their new Future Soldier System FELIN (Fantassin à Équipement et Liaisons Intégrés, English Integrated Equipment and Communications Infantryman). It seems that in 2013, the French Government is going to sell off the frequency spectrum used by FELIN. I Love it when a plan comes together. The FELIN information network sub-system operates in the 802 – 862 Mhz range which is scheduled for sale in 2013. Yes, that says “sale”, as in someone else will own it and the French Army will no longer be authorized to use it. This means that prime contractor Sagem will have to alter the software of the radio and no one has yet publicly disclosed how much this will cost. Sagem is currently filling orders for 5,045 FELIN systems to be delivered through the end of 2010.

Another issue beyond cost is performance. The current radio has a range of 1km in open terrain, 600m in urban areas, and only 100m indoors. Concerns have been expressed that a new, higher frequency range will be further inhibited in areas of high biomass such as jungles.

The RIF or information network sub-system consists of a radio with integrated global positioning system (GPS). This voice and data network connects the Soldier to others in the section and to the section commander, who is connected to the SITEL battle management system in a combat vehicle. SITEL, also developed by Sagem, is being fitted to all French Army vehicles. The RIF relies on the Thales Communications PR4G VS4 frequency-hopping radio for tactical internet connectivity and links to the vehicle’s SITEL.


Recent versions of FELIN have boasted a new Tenue Combat (combat uniform) that more resembles the loose “Guerilla” suits of the 50s and 60s than the current issue tight fitting uniform. Additionally, the camo pattern seen in the photo above was an affectation of Sagem and will not be a part of the FELIN which will retain the current issue CCE pattern. CCE is similar in coloration to the old US issue Woodland pattern.


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