
Army Seeks Small Business MOLLE Manufacturers

While the Sources Sought Notice came and went, the fact remains that the Army is considering seeking small businesses to manufacture MOLLE. Yes, businesses as they anticipate multiple awards. They are looking at a three year Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract with one base year plus two option years. This means that the government will set minimums and maximums for a contract year and will place orders as they are needed and within those limits. Option years are awarded at the discretion of the government based upon need and performance.

For example, the government proposes a maximum base year consisting of production of 50,000 MOLLE Rifleman sets, 50,000 Tactical Assault Panels, 50,000 Medium Rucksacks, 50,000 Hydration Systems, 5000 Grenadier and SAW sets, 10,000 Pistol sets, and 2000 Medic Sets.

One issue that the Sources Sought puts to rest is whether we would see a new solicitation for the still under development Medium Rucksack which just recently finished phase I testing at Fort Knox. Medium Rucksack will become a component of MOLLE and produced under that contract. The Army hopes to begin fielding as early as July for use in Afghanistan.

The sources sought notice contains a great deal of info for those interested in MOLLE and is worth the read.

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