
Revision Eyewear Teams with B-Temia

Revision is showing us more and more that they have transcended beyond just an eyewear company and are reaching out into many additional areas of Soldier protection. Earlier this week, they announced a deal with B-Temia to fund development of their first dermoskeleton, aimed at helping soldiers suffering from musculoskeletal injuries.

Since the term “dermoskeleton” is foreign to most of us, we thought it would be best to explain exactly what it is that they are talking about. From the B-Temia website, “A dermoskeleton mechanism is an automated orthopaedic supporting brace fully integrated onto a given joint-segment structure of a user’s body without any interaction with the environment such as ground contacts using, for example, instrumented insoles.

“Based in Canada and the United States as well as with a significant presence in Europe, Revision has proven to be a major player in the field of soldier protection and survivability. We are very proud to team up with a formidable industry player like Revision,” stated Stéphane Bédard, President and CEO of B-Temia.

Additionally, B-Temia Military, a subsidiary of B-Temia, has signed an international licensing agreement with Revision Military for the commercialization of its dermoskeletons. “We see musculoskeletal injuries and the associated non-deployment rates of soldiers caused by heavy load carriage as a costly and painful concern that military organizations around the world must address. The market potential for B-Temia’s dermoskeleton is tremendous. We are excited to add this innovative technology to our portfolio of purpose-built soldier equipment,” said Jonathan Blanshay, CEO of Revision.

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