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DuPont Announces Kevlar Innovation Awards

DuPont has announced the launch of the DuPont™ Kevlar® Innovation Awards, designed to foster innovation and collaboration in the development of protection technology. These Awards will recognize and showcase the ideas, methods, technologies, applications, products and services that are using Kevlar® in new ways. DuPont will make a $10,000 donation on behalf of each winner to a charity or science organization from a designated list. These Awards are open to all manufacturers of products containing Kevlar®. Last year DuPont sponsored awards for Nomex® and they were a huge success. SSD was honored to have been asked to participate in the selection process and it was great to be on hand for the award ceremony at AUSA. It was literally amazing to see some of technologies vying for honors last year and we feel these awards are an outstanding way for industry to recognize such innovation. For more information and to enter, please visit www.kevlar.com/innovation.


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