
Acknowledge This Popular Mechanics

Turns out Popular Mechanics found out about the HK 416’s role in the demise of one Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden from websites like this one. Too bad they didn’t bother asking someone from one of said websites how to set up their 416 (or bother acknowledging where they got their info in the first place).

Anyone notice anything wrong here? Who knows, maybe it’s the new gangsta model.

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26 Responses to “Acknowledge This Popular Mechanics”

  1. Mike D says:

    HA! Morons…

  2. lolz says:

    Yeah, the big thing on the left of the rifle is what we call a ”laser dazzler”. It’s a green visible laser use to distract a person we judge ”suspect”. It works badly during the day and during the night, you’ve made yourself a target. It’s that bad.

    The only reason we have it, it’s to use it instead of firing a warning shot. I’ve seen a lot of CSM and platoons commander having under the barrel, which is the best balance-wise.

  3. Strike-Hold! says:

    Is PM part of the Murdoch empire too?

  4. laser dazzler hahaha… yeah it will dazzle you alright… you dont mount it below the barrel because on the M4 MWS that is the removable mount and will not hold a laser zero very well if at all. seems some people are not golfers obviously.

  5. DIR driller says:

    And the sight on the right hand side of the fore grip instead of where it is supposed to be. Wow.

  6. John says:

    And the Gangsta Glock to carry as a personal defense weapon for this setup would be:

  7. Alex says:

    Mabie they just don’t want to loose the front sight.

  8. James says:

    What’s with the iron sight mounted on the side? In a world of sharp knives, the person who set that up is a wooden spoon, my friend!

  9. rogue7a says:

    Well, to quote: “It’s hard to take my eyes off the hands of Weapons Specialists technician Chris Wooden as he deftly assembles the rifle.”

    He should be fired.

    @ lolz and Your not irs im irs: Your “Dazzler” is an A/N PEQ-15 and it can be mounted on the top, right and left rail sides (Read the TM if you have ever been issued one that doesn’t hold batteries for an airsoft rifle). Mounting choices are dependent on the weapon configuration and operator preferences. For example, a left handed shooter may mount it on the left side to avoid a 3 point sling occluding the emitter. On the Mk12 MOD1 I mount is on the left side so it clears the PVS-22. On the carbine I put it on the right because my sling is on the left.

    And if you had been issued a 416 you would know that if you run a PEQ-15 on a 416 and plan to use the back up iron sights in case you optic goes down you HAVE to put it on the side or else it occludes the front sight (The 416 back up sights are lower than those of the M4 because the rail is higher).

    Then again, I guess Call to Duty doesn’t show you that

  10. rogue7a says:

    @ DIR driller: Quote – “And the sight on the right hand side of the fore grip instead of where it is supposed to be. Wow.”

    Read the TM and the above post

    There are professionals and those who just go along with the crowd

  11. straps says:

    If that’s part of the article in the magazine currently on the stands, that whole article has a bad case of the G.A.Y. The gangsta sight was just one of the hilarously eggregious errors. he article text refers to user-removable FLASH supressor.

    I worked for a company that was managing a project far more complicated in scope than the thinking behind the design of the 416, and the author did a much better job. But then again, we were striving for public discussion and yeah, we spun stuff.

    PM’s staff probably contacted SOCOM as they were trying to get away from the media frenzy, so their next best course was an entertainment armorer who was between straight-to-video projects.

    Come to think of it, you gotta love’s SOCOM’s response to MOST media inquiries, which is their recommended preparatory fitness routine for aspring recruits:

    Press: “Can you tell us a little about the men who executed this mission?”

    SOCOM: “Yeah, most started the pipeline able to swim the length of an olympic-sized pool underwater without surfacing. If you can do this, and you don’t smoke dope, and you’re of above average intelligence, feel free to visit a Navy recruiter. This media engagement is over.”

    Are black guns a peacetime military thing?

  12. Administrator says:

    I get a kick out of how many folks missed the front sight.

  13. ironeater says:

    Rogue7. You are incorrect my friend. A 416 with 10.5 or 14 inch barrel will fit both BUIS and PEQ 15 on top just fine. Most folks co-witness their irons sight with their day optics.
    Most folk use don’t use HK BUIS but run a variety that will collapse down in front of a top mounted PEQ 15…

  14. Rogue7A says:

    Iron eater: READ WHAT I POSTED.

    I didn’t say they won’t fit. I said they are lower than M4 BUISs and you can’t co-witness the sight through your optics with the PEQ in 12 o’clock position

  15. Rogue7A says:

    Cont… So to clarify in terms we can all understand. If you are running the HK rail mounted BUIS and want to be able to actually use it. The PEQ MUST be in the 3 or 9 o’clock position.

    Now, if you want to put an M4 height BUIS on the 416, you will be able to see the front sight tip… barely if the PEQ is in the 12 o’clock position.

  16. FormerSFMedic says:

    You can co-witness with the PEQ15 on the top rail. Yes HK BUIS are shorter, but not so short you can’t put a PEQ15 behind it. Oh and FYI the preferred method of mounting a PEQ15 laser is on the top rail. You can do it how you want, I’m not trying to say your wrong. I’m just saying that most operators run it on the top.

  17. FormerSFMedic says:

    It’s funny if you think about it. We are lol because of the front sight on the side, but tell me how many conventional soldiers have you seen in Afghanistan and Iraq with a carry handle mounted on the side of their forend.

  18. Rogue7A says:

    Well you must be seeing something different than me, because when I mount the HK Rail Mount Diopter Rear BUIS, M553, A/N PEQ-16 IPIM (@ the 12 o’clock) and HK Rail Mount Front BUIS I can barley co-witness the front sight tip through the M553.

  19. Rogue7A says:

    And yes, I’ve seen the carry handle mounted on the side (rational being, they won’t lose it) the best was a weapon light on the receiver rail in front of the rear BUIS.

  20. MarkM says:

    QDSS-NT4 – that’s what’s missing in the photo.

  21. X says:

    Hey man, I gotta run, XBOX is calling formation!!!


    That front site is freakin huge!

    I would rather have a Burris Fast Fire if I needed a sight mounted on the side, far quicker and it works at night, but what do I know?

    Besides, even if I am a right handed shooter I would have that A/N PEQ-15 on the left so I could engage using the right side secondary optic.

  22. X says:

    I love the non firing eye closed and the head cocked so badly, it looks so gangsta!

  23. X says:

    Not to mention that elbow hanging out reminds me that I like buffalo wings.

    FFS why did someone even post that pic, it is embarrassing.

  24. says:

    At least they got the “Battle Beard” right! 🙂