Wilcox BOSS Xe

Through The Looking Glass With HyperStealth

There’s been little written about HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp’s new Quantum Stealth technology. Thanks to HyperStealth, I have seen a large number of photos in addition to the two that they gave me to share with you. It’s important to note that these are mock ups specifically for use in the media to give you an idea of what the technology accomplishes. Don’t mind the hexagons, those are there to throw you off the trail. The actual technology looks a little bit different when in use.

The ultimate question you are going to ask me is, “Does it work?” My answer is a simple, “Yes,” but I have to say that it still needs some work. While HyperStealth’s Guy Cramer hasn’t made any claims that it’s quite ready for the battlefield yet, it sure does warrant further development. I’m not sure exactly how it works but I’ve got a real good idea and I have to say that simplicity is key to the success of concepts like this. I’m not going to share my specific observations because this is their idea but I will say that it is a passive technology. Sharing too much might put their IP at risk or worse yet, give the bad guys a notion of how to do it as well.


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33 Responses to “Through The Looking Glass With HyperStealth”

  1. B_A says:

    she’s cute.
    No need to hide her 😉

    I still don’t want to believe it.
    The ladie’S holding a sheet in front of her, but does it also already work on clothing and equipment?

  2. b rock says:

    Is the image a static capture of the background or is it dynamically moving?

  3. Marmatt says:

    I’m almost as impressed by her pants in the outdoor scene. Granted I’m viewing this on an iPhone, but I had to zoom in before I could figure out why the “treetrunk” was offset on the sheet.

  4. Armored says:

    Ah, a fair young maiden with beautiful flowing hair and a nice full face; I still don’t understand what is actually being showcased here though. Nice pants.

  5. Fake says:

    It’s a shop. 100%

  6. Martin says:

    I think we are looking at photos of the background on a sheet. Military Wraps does something similar.

  7. Guy Cramer says:

    These are mockup photos, we are not going to publicly show the actual technology. The system is dynamic -it changes in realtime to display what is behind the target – the system bends light around the target, it also works in the IR and Thermal spectrums, it is lightweight and flexible.

  8. Andrew says:


    I’m trying hard not to badmouth you, but I feel like you’re insulting our intelligence.

    Emperor’s new clothes anyone?

    Also, you really need to update your website a lot.

  9. FormerDirtDart says:

    I find HyperStealths excessive use of “photo-simulations” to tout their superior developments severely annoying.

    Sorry, but “faked” photos don’t impress me anymore. They significantly degrade the issuers credibility to me.

  10. Guy Cramer says:

    I have no problem with credibility with our clients or customers, they get to see the real thing, we only disclose a small part of what we are fully involved with. For various reason of security, Intellectual Property, proprietary issues and secrecy I cannot show the real thing, the public is interested in our company and we try to provide something to visualize our technology without breaching the above reasons. That being said you are welcome to your opinion; just remember – the Internet never forgets.

  11. Gray says:

    If you were truly concerned about OPSEC you wouldn’t be releasing ANY information to the public, the public wouldn’t even KNOW about you.

  12. Administrator says:

    Interesting catch tisk

  13. Jaytheman says:

    Special forces should definitely utilize this technology in their Army Combat Uniforms. However, the tough part is not that, but applying it to the vest, helmet or face area, and boots. I’m not so sure how this tech works but it will be a game-changer if it even goes into LRIP for Delta Force, Rangers, SEALs and others.

  14. Mike18B says:

    I hear that if you stare into it long enough and relax your eyes, a unicorn will appear in 3D.

  15. Guy Cramer says:

    In regards to time cloaking: 
    To time cloak a target you would need to pick a time when the target was not in that location, however with the 120 milliseconds maximum (currently they’ve only achieved 110 nanoseconds)  you would still see the target in that location, even a fast moving one. 

  16. Sounds like someone has been spending too much time playing with alpha particles, cats and Heisenberg Compensators.

    However, I digress. The hard part isn’t the switching of the material states, we were fiddling with TCO, VO2 and electrochromics some time ago. The hard part is getting the desired (or any) image onto the projector surface.

    As for bending light around objects. If the vast budgets of DARPA and other agencies ($50MM for one university alone) can’t get their brains around nanostructured photonic metamaterials that operate in sub Angstrom wavelength, maybe the solution is much simpler than all these eggheads would have us believe!

    I for one hope that this technology does work and is deployed soon.

  17. X says:

    Stealth blankets have been heavily researched sine the time they found that it was possible to project an image onto a piece of film, it has many applications and this is just one of them, if it uses the same principle.

  18. anon says:

    What is the patent equivalent of Tits or GTFO?

    Who are you? David Copperfield? If this is something more than a couple of mirrors you should have a patent pending and be able to provide more than a photoshop.

  19. Strike-Hold! says:

    “…there is no spoon…”

  20. A.Lentz says:

    well, Mr Cramer, as someone who has admired your work for some time, I hope all your work bears many fruits. Well done and I hope this goes out to all the allied troops as soon as it’s ready.
    I take it this system must really eat some juice, I hope you have some decent batteries on hand.. maybe some Graphene wafer units might be a nice touch.

    By the way are we ever going to see the Australian pattern you did, or am I to be wholly disappointed.

    good luck guy… make sure you keep us posted..

  21. Johnny B says:

    I love ‘Predator.’ “Get to the chopper,” “It’s time to get ol’ Painless out the bag,” “I wouldn’t waste that on a broke dick dog,” etc.

    That said, I’m waiting to see how this story develops. Hyperstealth has an un-updated webpage filled with hundreds of photosim patterns on photosim people standing in photosim environs, and half a dozen Guy Cramer ‘Glamour Shots’ in a couple of the patts standing in an off-white room. Like I’ve said, I really do like some of the pats and think they would work well. Guy, do us and yourself a favor: Print up about a dozen of your favorite patts on pants, blouses, hats, and scarves, then take some real people into some real environsments and take some good pics, then update your webside with them. Until you begin to do that, you will only continue to recieve the disparaging comments you see so frequently. Photosims are good for only two things: Computer gaming software production and fanboy wet dreams. Put your stuff in the field and show us. Give some out tosome of the bloggers who do camo comparisons and let them do an objective head-to-head.

    Back to this story: I’m reserving all judgement until I see something real. I understand the need for IP and product security – don’t take the previous remark as a requestthat you violate these. All I’m saying is that this tech has had some bright minds with a freightrain of funding behind it and gone not much of anywhere. Hyperstealth is similar – bright mind, not so much funding, not gone really anywhere. Show me some fabric patts that work and prove that you can do more than outfit some military units in the middleast.

  22. Res says:

    1) Don’t know if this “Predatorish camo” will work or if its already working. Hope it will and the technology stays in good hands.

    2) @Johnny B: You can find a lot of Hyperstealth patterns being employed by real people in real environments, Jordanian SOF, Iraqi SOF, Afghan Army and ANCOP… and lots of US advisors and mentors are using Hyperstealh patterns. One called “Dune” worked pretty well in Anbar area.

  23. K' says:

    It’s a nice idea, like most other Hyperstealth creations. But it’s hard to give credit to something that’s roughly a bad photoshop job. I know, I know, property rights and IP security and all, but seriously, it’s not really impressive to see a “mockup” like this. Hyperstealth does some great stuff, but the presentation of the concepts has always been lacking, to include the website design. They could really use an update to a site design that’s from the last 10 years. The current one is incredibly dated, but that’s the case with most military/tactical companies these days anyway.

  24. B_A says:

    thumbs up to Johnny B and K’

  25. BKB says:

    Hey Guy, if you really pulled this off, Awesome work. However it’s been my experience thats if its too good to be true it usually is.

  26. Guy Cramer says:

    If someone told me they had done this I wouldn’t believe them either until I actually saw it.

  27. Johnny B says:

    I really dig the Afghan Army and ANCOP patts – though not sure the army patt is best suited for the semi-arid and arid environs it could find itself in. The Jordanian patt I dismiss as a fashion patt. That is, I don’t believe that all-gray/black patts are of any use in anything other than night time; the label ‘urban’ is a misnomer, IMO.

    Having said that – I ask Guy to print up more patts and give them some more field testing. There are many patts I’d like to see in their suggested environs. I want to see SOPAT rural, mountain, central and CQB in those environs. Speaking of ‘urban’, I tend to believe mountain and CQB would do better their than the Jordanian ‘urban.’ Lets see the Desert Viper in the desert. Let’s see the Spec4ce Forrest, Dune, and United.

    Again, my issue is not so much with the assorted and voluminous catalogue of patts – it’s with the fact so few seem to make it to the field. I like many of the patts – but can’t get behind them because they are all untested in the real world. You’ve listed 5 patts that are out there – how many patts does Hyperstealth have registered?

    I like many of the patts, and I think they would work out really well. So let’s see if we’re both right, Guy.

  28. Guy Cramer says:

    We have many patterns out there on uniforms that you’ve never seen; HyperStealth is not your typical online catalog, most of our Ghostex customers (24 different patterns printed for uniforms- 400-500 yards per month) require a level of covertness which (for their safety and security) means that we don’t disclose any photos of those uniforms. If I post anything about a country we are working with, our competitors jump all over the same program. I am under nondisclosure agreements for uniforms being used in movies, If I post the latest and greatest pattern, any adversary now has the recipe to do something similar. 

    You will see only the commercial pattern side of our company, which is a very small part of what we do and only when our customers or clients decide to publicly show our other patterns will we disclose them on the site.

  29. Johnny B says:

    Ok. When will we see patts not developed specifically for or in covert/nondisclosure usage on the open market? Besides Optifade? I will give you the covert/nondisclosure argument. Given that, do you have no interest as a company in offering anything commercially? I don’t know if I can buy that you don’t, or else why would you be making patts avail to gaming software people or Hollywood productions?

    Guy, don’t get me wrong – I like the patts I see. But photosims are a helluva lot different than real fabrics on 3D people in real environs, which you know. If you were a purely military supplier, than you’d have less patts on your webpage and we’d not see your patts on computer games and TV.

    I’ll give props to another blogger. ITS Tactical does really good “Camo Comparisons.” A-TACS, Hyde Definition, and Bulldog’s Mirage all have ponyed up and put their patts – on actual uniform pieces and not flat fabric swatches – in direct, head-to-head real environ testing. Pick three of your favorite non-covert patts, print them, make some uniforms, send them out, and lets see them. That’s all I ask.

  30. Guy Cramer says:

    Sorry, we stay away from subjective testing, our pattern are tested objectively in millisecond timing with methods approved by the Military. We have patterns which have tested 220% harder to detect and 170% harder to recognize than current patterns. 

    If you develop patterns primarily for the commercial side, you’ve either failed on the military contract or your tring to get one with your pattern. Believe me, the issues surrounding single orders will takeup all your time. Every company wants country licenses over commercial orders.

    We were tired of specific requirements changing the potential effectiveness of our patterns which is why we launched the SpecAm and Spec4ce patterns; this is how we would develop if we didn’t have any color or pattern requirements. We decided to go commercial and test the waters. It just so happened that the ANA were looking for something new and the Spec4ce Forest met their need. 

    I can’t go into details as to why we did the Spec4ce Series 2 but the reasons are valid. 14 color schemes (this selection is larger than any other company or country – to our knowledge – has ever done), you’ll see all these actual real uniform photos next week. The shipment arrived yesterday and is being sorted this week. 

    No none of the Spec4ce Series 2 were done with the new Ghostex system, Series 2 was done the old school way.

  31. Johnny B says:

    Well I’m looking forward, then, to seeing these patts “in the flesh.” As someone who has silently waited for many years to see some of the patts this way, it’s a long time coming. Personally, I think you should have a commercial line of mil-based patts, like the Spec4ce or SOPAT, so that you style of patts can get into peoples hands. as you know, several products are consumer driven, and camo is one of them. Airsofters and tactical enthusiasts provide a large ‘testing’ base. Lots of pics from ‘the field’ of these people combined with a word of mouth ‘buzz’ gets alot of attention.

    Hey, who am I to tell you your business. Honestly, I’d just like to have some of these patts in my hand. I’m not limited by military testing constraints or contracts and all of my work is done in highly urbanized locations. Urban patts tend to suck for a variety of reasons; I’d like to try some of yours amongst others and see how they look. But hey, that’s just me.

    Good luck.