GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

OR – Karrimor SF Bowman Pack

Karrimor is well known throughout Europe for their trekking as well as military products. This year they have joined us here in the US for the OR Summer Market. Not only have they unveiled a whole lineup of outdoor packs and footwear but they’ve included a full range of military packs and load carrying systems in OD, Coyote, and The new British military issue Multi Terrain Pattern (MTP) developed by Crye Precision.


This is the pack Karrimor developed for the Bowman radio (A/N PRC-177 series). It is issued with Bowman radio sets for the UK, Netherlands, and several other nations. You can the clamshell design that cradles the radio close to the body. Below the pack is fully closed and not only provides room for other equipment but also helps to disguise the radio operator’s role. The pack also accepts zip off side panels then also be used with load carrying equipment.




One Response to “OR – Karrimor SF Bowman Pack”

  1. Flippy says:

    Just a quick point, Karrimor and Karrimor SF are two different companies now.