FirstSpear TV

NTOA – Aimpoint PRO


Restricted to Military, Gov’t, and LE only, the Aimpoint PRO features a COMP body and offers a 2 MOA dot as well as a NVG compatible lens. Additionally, the PRO comes with a mount with a removable shim to accommodate a variety of weapons. Ingeniously, Aimpoint also includes a sticker to record battery data.

This is a terrific balance of features and price and is, in my opinion, Aimpoint’s greatest value.

LE, Mil, and Gov’t customers contact Joe Strohman.


6 Responses to “NTOA – Aimpoint PRO”

  1. MarkM says:

    Is it the NVG capability that makes this special model mil/LEO only? Otherwise, it’s already well reviewed by many civilian owners.

  2. Ken says:

    Restricted?? Really Aimpoint, really? That’s fine. They will be bankrupted by Trijicon and EoTech soon enough.

  3. I see what you mean but... says:

    It’s the price.

  4. FormerSFMedic says:

    I know noone is going to read this since the post is old, but I’m going to say this anyway. The restriction is ridiculous. It’s just a marketing gimmick and a way to save money. Funny how restricting the product to Mil/LEO actually shows Aimpoint’s lack of support for Mil/LEO. I don’t think I’ll be buying from them anymore. I don’t buy from any company that restricts civilian legal products to Mil/LEO only.

  5. Administrator says:

    The restriction isn’t to keep folks from buying this product. The restriction on the PRO is to offer a good price for a sight and mount at a level an LE officer can afford. Unfortunately, many LEOs have to provide much of their own equipment and they aren’t exactly getting rich off of their salaries. Think of it as a limited pro deal.

    Aimpoint makes a great product and I think it’s good what they’ve has done.

  6. FormerSFMedic says:

    I thought you might respond.

    I understand why Aimpoint is restricting the product, and I DO agree with them to an extent. However, Ill admit to having an ulterior motive when posting the comment. Iam trying to raise a little awareness about combat veterans being “lost to the world”. Iam a veteran of OEF and OIF, and a former Army 18D. Guess what? I can’t even touch this thing unless a current Soldier or an LEO buys it for me. I guess I don’t think it’s exactly fair, not for me, but for all the others out there like me.