GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Happy Thanksgiving from Mayflower and SSD!

Today is Thanksgiving here in the US, a day when we commemorate the hardships of early settlers of our great land. We also take time to reflect on pur own trials and triumphs. Aptly enough, Mayflower Research and Consulting has provided a prize pack consisting of their new Assault Pack and a UW Gen IV Chest Rig. Both are in MultiCam and made from LiteLok fabric.



Mayflower asked us to find this gear a deserving home and we can’t think of any better group to honor than our readership. To enter, tell us what you’re thankful for in the comments section below.

On Friday the 25th, we’ll randomly draw a winner from the comments for the prize pack.

We will contact the winner via the email address you provide when you post your comment, so it would behoove you to enter a valid address you can access.

One entry per person.

You have up to 7 days to claim your prize after we send the winner email. Unclaimed prizes become forfeit.

Void where prohibited.



325 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving from Mayflower and SSD!”

  1. Michael Bradley says:

    I’m very thankful that this Thanksgiving, we are together as a family! No one is on deployment! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  2. Brian W. Ancheta says:

    I am thankful for my family, my freedom, and that my baby bro Marine gets to spend the holidays at home.

  3. Ryan Renuart says:

    Happy to rock Mayflower’s gear as often as I can.

  4. CMP says:

    I am thankful I can have all of this wonderful food and family and friends because of the sacrafices made

  5. I am thankful for all the fine men and women serving in our armed forces who ensure our freedom on a daily basis.

  6. Glenn Swartz says:

    I am thankful this year that my 5 year old daughter is still in remission and healthy, I am also thankful for all the service men and women that give so much so my family can enjoy their Thanksgiving and their freedom.

  7. Fred says:

    I’m thankful for all my family. I don’t really show them often that I am, but I really am. I’m thankful for all of thoses who support us when we are overseas. I’m thankul for having a reason to life for and to fight for.

    And I’m also thankful for companies who give free stuff!

    From a CF member.

  8. Bert says:

    Thanks to all the men and women who defend this great nation

  9. Mikael says:

    I’m thankful for all turkeys 😉

  10. Eric Durant says:

    I am very thankful for porn and lotion here at FOB Hammer, Iraq!!

  11. Manny says:

    I’m thankful for not being deployed and being able to spend Thanksgiving with my wife and son.

  12. Chris W says:

    With these tough economic times I am always thankful for a job that helps me support my family!

  13. Brian mcquade says:

    Thankful for family and friends and my brothers in arms

  14. Brian mcquade says:

    Thankful for family, fiends and brothers inarms

  15. Craig says:

    I am thankful for my family, the great group of soldiers under my leadership, my health and the seemingly boundless opportunities to improve myself militarily, personally and career wise. I am also thankful for the friends I have made in CA who, barely knowing me, helped me through the roughest patch in my life.

  16. Joe lidral says:

    I am thankful for my good friend Alan making it home safe from his recent deployment from Iraq.

  17. David says:

    I am thankful to live in such a great country that allows everyone regardless of race, creed, or color to live and enjoy all of the freedoms that we frequently take for granted. It is a blessing to be able to share our beliefs without fear of negative reprisals. I am proud to be an American and proud of all of our men and women of the military that that make personal and family sacrifices in order to preserve all of the freedoms that we enjoy on a daily basis.

    I am thankful to be an American!

  18. Tom L. says:

    I am thankful every day, not just one, for my family, my health, my freedom, and my friends. Without any of those I would not be here today, and I am reminded of this every time I think about them. I am thankful for the men and women who selflessly serve in the Military, Fire Department, Law Enforcement, and Emergency Services. Without them, we would never be prepared for the “unknown unknowns.”

    Thanksgiving is just another reason to get together and reminisce in the memories that we have made together, and to smile and the memories we have yet to make. But we should all be thankful and gracious for everything that we have, every day that we have it.

  19. Jess Banda says:

    I’m thankful for my family’s health and well being, as well as my friends still serving being safe and sound.

  20. Jason says:

    I’m thankful that I can be putting foot to muj ass with my battles here in Afghanistan. I gain strength knowing my friends and family are safe back home enjoying their Thanksgiving. HOOAH!!!

  21. HoffA C D C says:

    For a holiday season without any deployments!

  22. d j tamash says:

    family who supports me, coworkers who have my back.

  23. Anthony T. says:

    I am thankful that I didn’t get my butt shot off this tour.

  24. Bob M says:

    I’m thankful that for the first time in two years I am home for the holidays with my family instead of in Afghanistan.

  25. Ian B. says:

    I’m thankful for being lucky enough to serve with some of the finest men and women of our coalition and for my wonderful family. I’m also thankful for this crazy and wild ride life has tossed my way! OLE!

  26. Chuck says:

    Family, friends, freedom, country.

  27. Cap'taine says:

    I’m thankful for my family and my friend. Simply all part of my life.

  28. Josh H says:

    Love this site! Happy thanksgiving to all, enjoy Tactical Friday tomorrow!

  29. Justin says:

    I am thankful for the great group of servicemen and women who work for me and who I am able to spend Thanksgiving with on watch.

  30. steve says:

    Thankful for all of our brothers and sisters who are still over there

  31. SSG King says:

    I am thankful for the opportunity to serve my country and the living it provides for my family.

  32. Monster says:

    I am thankful for being born in the US!

  33. Q says:

    Thankful for anyone whoever stood in Harm’s way to defend this great nation.

  34. Chris k says:

    Would love test test out their new bag. Thankful for my family and friends, especially those downrange.

  35. bcframea says:

    Thankful to be able to eat a thanksgiving day meal with my family for the first time in 3 years.

  36. Carl says:

    I am thankful to be with my Army family this Thanksgiving

  37. Justin W says:

    I am thankful to live in our great country, where we get to celebrate these holidays!

    I am thankful for all the men and women who protect what this country stands for day in and day out, here and abroad. They are not thanked nearly enough for what they do and the sacrifices they make!

    I am thankful for my family and friends. They make the holidays worth it!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Always remember what the holidays are truly about!

  38. Alex says:

    I am thankful for the rough men who stand ready so that I may sleep peaceably at night. Thanks SSD and Mayflower for doing this!

  39. Travis says:

    I’m thankful for my beautiful family and all my brothers and sisters who wear the US flag on their right shoulder who are willing to sacrifice for the freedoms we all enjoy.

  40. John C. says:

    I am thankful for my wonderful girlfriend who has helped me through some of the roughest times in my life. I am thankful for the amazing CO who will help us kick some ass in Afghanistan here soon. I am thankful for my beautiful son who amazes me everyday even if he is halfway across the country. I am also thankful that I have such a fulfilling job serving the people of the United States. RC East better watch out, we are taking the fight to you!!

  41. Cameron Z says:

    I’m thankful to spend this Thanksgiving with my family, and for the opportunity to serve my country.

  42. Martin says:

    I’m thankful to be forward deployed to Afghanistan in service of corps and country with the hard, pipe hittin’ devildogs of Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 369. Gunfighters Rule!

  43. Taylor says:

    I’m thankful that my guys and I are back home instead of Zhari, AFG this year. Although I have to give credit where it’s due – SGT R, our MKT master, made one hell of a meal for the grunts from random crap out of UGR A/Es and a passion for his craft last year.

  44. Matt says:

    Thankful for those overseas protecting those of us here at home.

    Thankful for my brothers in Blue and their assistance in protecting the families of those over seas.

  45. Kango says:

    I’m thankful for all the support the people give to the men and women in the armed forces. And to the company’s that give good guy deals as a special thanks.

  46. Josh says:

    I am thankful for my parents, for their constant support of me and our country. I am thankful for every person putting foot to rear end for our country, both in the states and abroad. I am thankful to law enforcement and EMS proffessionals as well as our Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and Marines, as well as their families. I am thankful for a caring God, who blesses this nation even when it doesn’t deserve it. And finally I am thankful for the freedom to talk about Him. America is one of the few places on earth where happiness is more than the lack of sorrow. I am thankful.

  47. Zach says:

    I am thankful for all of those spending Thanksgiving abroad, so that we may continue to enjoy it.

  48. Aj says:

    Thankful for every day above ground.

  49. Henci says:

    I am Thankful for my lucky fate which bring me back from my last deployment and for my 3 month old son.

  50. Mac says:

    I’m thankful for the fact that I will be able to spend Christmas with my children for a change.

    I’m also thankful for the fact that my wife’s friends and most of my family still bimble along thinking the world is a nice safe place and probably believe in unicorns also.