FirstSpear TV

Happy Thanksgiving from Mayflower and SSD!

Today is Thanksgiving here in the US, a day when we commemorate the hardships of early settlers of our great land. We also take time to reflect on pur own trials and triumphs. Aptly enough, Mayflower Research and Consulting has provided a prize pack consisting of their new Assault Pack and a UW Gen IV Chest Rig. Both are in MultiCam and made from LiteLok fabric.



Mayflower asked us to find this gear a deserving home and we can’t think of any better group to honor than our readership. To enter, tell us what you’re thankful for in the comments section below.

On Friday the 25th, we’ll randomly draw a winner from the comments for the prize pack.

We will contact the winner via the email address you provide when you post your comment, so it would behoove you to enter a valid address you can access.

One entry per person.

You have up to 7 days to claim your prize after we send the winner email. Unclaimed prizes become forfeit.

Void where prohibited.


325 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving from Mayflower and SSD!”

  1. Michael Pini says:

    Simply put, I am thankful for the liberties that I have this Thanksgiving; to spend with family and freinds- thanks those who have sacrificed so much, to my fellow Soliders, Happy Thanksgiving.

    Michael Pini

  2. Tattico says:

    Thanks to all the men letting us to sleep safely in our home with our family.

  3. RJ says:

    I am thankful for the families of all servicemembers, including mine, that allow us to do what we love and sacrifice more than we know.

  4. Sean says:

    I am thankful for not only our servicemen and women, but also for all of our first responders that provide protection, safety, and comfort 365 24/7!

  5. SG83 says:

    I am thankful for all my comrades out here in the desert…

  6. Adrian O'Neill says:

    I am thankful that I have gone through this deployment without one of my soldiers getting hurt. Afghanistan is a rough place but we are well trained and discipline, couldn’t think of a better group of guys I would rather be with so far from home on a holiday such as this.

    I am also thankful that my family and friends are safe in the United States, makes deploying worthwhile knowing they can drive to the store and not get struck with an IED.

  7. Matt says:

    I’m thankful for my supportive wife, my family who are willing to help me out, and my fellow servicemen who answered the call.

  8. wilks says:

    I am thankful for being alive after taking an enemy AK round throu my head, then the big guy over head looking out for me the following 3 tours. I am thankful for my wife and kid who put up with me being in afghanistan for the holidays, but even when times are difficult between us, they still try and support me. and lastly i am thankful for my brothers in arms and the fact they are still kicking

  9. levi says:

    thankful to be alive after 4 deployments

  10. Pro says:

    I am thankful because i come from a race of Soldiers and Christian martyrs who with their blood , made the tracks in which the train we call “Western civilisation” can move forward . In the past 3000 years , including the 20th century my nation (against germans in the 1 & 2 WW, against the communists etc) always was in the right side . Looking back i thank my ancestors and promise them to continue the path of honour and virtue .

  11. rodney Flowers says:

    Thankful for my family and all the men n women in uniform.

  12. Thomas M. Brenner says:

    I’m thankful that we have a country where the military works for the people and not against them. Thank you to everyone in the armed services for protecting our freedom!

  13. Ben says:

    I am thankful for my fellow soldiers on my left and right. And my leadership who’s family opened their doors to us single soldiers for this Thanksgiving.

  14. erick says:

    Thankful for the family and friends around me.

  15. Travis says:

    I am thankful for my family and the people that protect this country.

  16. Jack says:

    I’m fortunate for being born healthy, for my loving family, friends, and being able to realize those are the important things in life. Sometimes I think I have it bad somedays and it takes days like today to realize someone out there always has it worse and to be thankful for what i have.

  17. Swiss says:

    Thankful not to be in allah’s kitty litter box another year in a row eating turkey out of a can.

    Hopeful that some of my good friends that just went back out will come home safe again.

  18. Austin says:

    I’m thankful that my service and the sacrifice of my brothers will give my family: Freedom of speech,
    Freedom of worship,
    Freedom from want,
    And Freedom from fear;
    And I think Mayflower gear will make that job just a little bit easier.

  19. Jud says:

    Elk hunting in the morning and served Thanksgiving lunch to my fellow Soldiers in the Dining Hall. No better way to appreciate the bounties that our great country has to offer!

  20. Matt says:

    I am thankful for this country, and all the brave men and women who protect us. I am thankful for my family. Ill be even more thankful when the occupy wallstreeters are gone!

  21. L says:


  22. Rob says:

    I am thankful for a robust free-market military kit market! If we left this to the .gov our soldiers would still be wearing ALICE gear!

  23. Adam says:

    I am thankful for my Wife and Kids and all my Brothers and Sisters in harms way!

  24. edgar.ripoll says:

    I’m thankful for my wife and daughter and as well as the men who I call my brothers in arms, there’s never been finer men than those with whom I serve.

  25. Jimbo says:

    I’m thankful for my wife, my team and freedom. I’m thankful that God and a little luck have taken us this far.

  26. WTC says:

    Be thankful for the greatest county in the world, and those who keep her safe.

  27. Ted T says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, troops and veterans! how blessed we are to live in a country where men and women will stand up to protect our freedoms and preserve our way of life.

  28. JR says:

    I am thankful for my family and friends. Also this great nation that I call home. The men and women who give up so much to protect it. AND of course SSD!

  29. Clarek says:

    I’m thankful for my wonderful family and friends. I’m thankful to have a job that I love and my continued ability to serve this great country.

  30. Showtime says:

    I’m thankful for NODs, glint tape and IR strobes.
    I’m thankful for Crye Precision, Gore-Tex, Vibram, Kevlar and Mystery Ranch.
    I’m thankful for waterproof anything, polymer… everything, lightweight ripstop fabrics and baselayers.
    Thanks SSD for keeping us up to date.
    I ‘d want this kit but DAMN, pass it to the guy who took one to the dome. Can’t top that.

  31. Abm says:

    I’m thankful that by and large my friends and family in the US wake up every morning and know that a civil war started. That’s something I’ve lost living in the middle east.

  32. norman says:

    I am thankful I have found support in Jesus trough my very best friend, my very very dear dog. He was given to me just before my world collapsed and future looked grim. Without him I would not be here today. Without him I would begun clearing my mind and forget my suffering and disease. Without him I would not have begun talking to God and oath to serve and defend all good and combat evil in this world for as long as my heart beat and my mind is complete. I am grateful for man’s best friend.

  33. norbis says:

    I’m thankful for my family and I having our first thanksgiving together in years!!!

  34. Ric Hubbard says:

    I am thankful for my family and friends, I am thankful for those who put it on the line to protect the freedoms that our constitution defines and I am thankful that I am healthy and can enjoy both.

  35. DY says:

    I’m thankful to all the men who let us sleep safely in our home with our family.

  36. Stephen says:

    I’m thankful for my family and all of my past and present brothers in The Queen’s Own 1-32 Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division.

  37. Whokka says:

    Trully thankful for operating a platform that has put in put me in harms way a bought me out again. A platform that has brought our soldiers safely out of combat and back towards their families. A platform that when the guys in the team are most in need will get onto target in any conditions and get them them all the support they need.

  38. Kurt K says:

    I’m thankful for winning the celestial lottery and being born in the greatest nation ever to exist. Where its people are blessed with more freedom and prosperity than any human has ever had throughout history.
    Today, while many of this nation’s fortunate sons and daughters relax safe at home, stuffing themselves happy and falling asleep to football, there is a significantly smaller number deployed to foreign lands who will spend the day outside the wire, patrolling dangerous ground seeking to engage our enemies. While we will be weighed down with turkey and pie, they will be weighed down with body armor and rifle. Today I’m most thankful for them, because without them we have and are nothing. God bless the Armed Forces of the United States of America and God Bless the families at home toasting their sons and daughters in harms way on this Thanksgiving day.

  39. Dan says:

    I am thankful for being home with my wife and daughters this Thanksgiving holiday, and i am also very thankful for having the honor to serve my country with so many dedicated infantrymen. I am also thankful for the holidays spent over seas with my brothers in arms even though we were not with our “familys” I couldnt have had a better time with any one else.

  40. John says:

    I’m thankful for being able to serve my country and continuing the outstanding tradition our armed forces has passed down.

  41. Erin says:

    I am thankfull for all of my Brothers and Sisters that share in being less than 1% that volunteer to keep this nation and my wonderfull family safe. Stay safe over there, Ill be joining you again soon.

  42. Chuck says:

    I’m thankful for all those currently deployed. Stay safe!

  43. Carlos says:

    I’m thankful for the new generation of tactical gear manufactures (as mayflower) because they are helping to our soldiers to be more effective in combat with increased safety….

  44. Pharaoh 6 says:

    I am thankful for a wife who supports my passion for serving a country that I love. I am thankful for three beautiful daughters who remind me why I serve.
    I am thankful for my brothers and sisters in arms who have answered the call of their nation knowing that they may never be the same, but still step into harms way for each other, their loved ones, and for those who can’t or won’t serve.

  45. Mark Inskeep says:

    I’m thankful for my wife and family, my health, a job that allows me to do what I love while impacting the lives of others. I’m thankful to be an American, born in the greatest country on Earth.

  46. Scott Z. says:

    I am thankful for my Son. Being a single-dad is by far the most challenging and rewarding job that I have ever had. I am so glad that you came into my life little buddy. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  47. AV says:

    Im thankful for my family and the fellas I am lucky enough to serve beside.

  48. sw1tch says:

    I am thankful for this country, and all the brave men and women who protect us.

  49. Mike says:

    I am thankful to be an America and Multicam!