FirstSpear TV

Make Ready with Travis Haley: Adaptive Kalash

Panteo Productions has introduced Make Ready with Travis Haley: Adaptive Kalash. With over 100 million Kalashnikov variants produced it is the most widely proliferated military rifle in history. For those operating overseas, chances are good you will run onto one and for those of us here CONUS, they are inexpensive and readily available.

Haley discusses various models you will encounter and goes over correct loading techniques, safety manipulation, and dealing with malfunctions. Additionally, he addresses common misconceptions surrounding the use of the AK platform at long ranges are addressed, along with establishing a zero that works for your situation.

Make Ready with Travis Haley: Adaptive Kalash will begin shipping at the end of December and pre-orders are already being accepted by Panteao.

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One Response to “Make Ready with Travis Haley: Adaptive Kalash”

  1. Mobious says:

    “Respect this weapon system”
    Indeed, am anticipating this so very much!