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Posts Tagged ‘AK-47’

Make Ready with Travis Haley: Adaptive Kalash

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

Panteo Productions has introduced Make Ready with Travis Haley: Adaptive Kalash. With over 100 million Kalashnikov variants produced it is the most widely proliferated military rifle in history. For those operating overseas, chances are good you will run onto one and for those of us here CONUS, they are inexpensive and readily available.

Haley discusses various models you will encounter and goes over correct loading techniques, safety manipulation, and dealing with malfunctions. Additionally, he addresses common misconceptions surrounding the use of the AK platform at long ranges are addressed, along with establishing a zero that works for your situation.

Make Ready with Travis Haley: Adaptive Kalash will begin shipping at the end of December and pre-orders are already being accepted by Panteao.

2nd Generation AK Ratchet Charging System

Friday, October 1st, 2010

Compatible with AK-47 and AK-74 clones, the Ratchet Charging System from Dublin AK Systems, puts the charging handle out of the way of the weapon’s action, yet doesn’t prevent the use of side mounted optics. With the increasing popularity of the AK family of weapons it is nice to see work like this being accomplished. Other than some significant cosmetic changes, the major upgrade is a non-reciprocating charging handle. Perhaps since they have licked the AK’s shortfall, they could take a look at the SCAR.

Thanks to The Firearm Blog and Strike Hold! for the heads up.

Midwest Industries and US PALM Collaborate on Optics Compatible AK Fore End Covers- Updated

Thursday, September 2nd, 2010

Midwest Industries and US PALM have collaborated on a new series of top covers for the fore ends of AK family weapons. They are specifically designed to mount optics with the first dedicated to the Aimpoint T/H 1 series. This model allows for a lower 1/3 co-witness with your stock sights. Since they won’t start showing up until October this is really just a sneak peek. Five different models will be available this Fall.

UPDATE – The part will be sold as a retro fit [top cover only] for existing MI rail owners, as well as a in complete kit form. It also uses stock gas tube.

US PALM is One Big Tease

Thursday, April 1st, 2010

US Primary Armament Logistical Manufacturing is the new powerhouse behind bringing the AK 30 magazine to market. Why are they a tease? Because their new website won’t be up until the 2nd of April. As you saw in a recent report, they are delving into soft goods with the AK Attack Rack (AKAR). But apparently they’ve got even more tricks up their sleeve. They have teamed with Gabe Suarez to release the Defender, a new plate carrier with soft armor inserts. Designed to be simple yet functional, it also features three dedicated AK mag pouches on the chest with a MOLLE compatible rear panel and waist strap.

US PALM Defender

A note on the soft armor. Due to NIJ 06 standards, the inserts are ineligible for a rating as they do not have enough square inches of coverage to properly test. However, they are manufactured to stop a IIIa (.44 mag) threat.

If you love AKs then US PALM is for you. Be sure to visit on the 2nd of April for the full scoop.