
Armored Releasable Carrier & Concealment

The A.R.C.C. (Armored Releasable Carrier & Concealment) from Battleline Industries has been in development for about a year-and-a-half. It is a modular armored carrier that accepts the popular BALCS cut soft armor and any standard SAPI, ESAPI or steel plate. According to Battleline Industries there are six distinct features that set it apart from its competitors.

1. It’s ability to take modular lightweight concealment “ghillie” panels which consist of two sleeve sections and a torso hooded section for the back that can be set up for different environments utilizing multiple sets of panels that are purchased separately. This way the sniper doesn’t have to make a new ‘ghillie suit” every time he goes somewhere new. This allows the sniper the ability to add more concealment than his regular carrier provides him depending on the mission specific need.

2. The A.R.C.C.’s one cable pull release system is very unique in the sense that the whole release action happens on the front panel. There is no more cable running to the back of the carrier system like most versions and no 3’ cable pull to get the carrier to cutaway. Another issue the A.R.C.C. solves is that the cable on the front panel only has a 10″ pull and runs very little risk of binding or getting pinched where the medic would be unable to pull the release like other variations. The problem with other products is the solider goes down and all his armor, gear and body weight is pinching the release cable in the back because of the release design.

3. The A.R.C.C. uses no Velcro in crucial spots. The ONLY Velcro on the A.R.C.C. is used to close the plate harness and soft armor compartment which is against the operator’s body. This feature insures noise discipline and a carrier that won’t fall apart because it was held together by Velcro and the combat field conditions destroyed it from ever sticking together again.

4. The A.R.C.C. has a feature to accept a modular/removable 2″ leg sub-load adapter which allows the user to attach a holster or sub-load to the carrier and not the belt holding his pants up. This distributes the weight across the carrier and shoulders for a more comfortable feel without the operator having to pull up on his pants every five minutes.

5. The A.R.C.C. has a fully adjustable modular plate harness that accepts multiple sizes and thickness of hard armor.

6. The A.R.C.C. has an extremely durable; two layer Kevlar / Nomex fire resistant liner which protects the operator in a flame environment from the Cordura nylon from melting and dripping on his skin.

Made in USA!

Unheard of until recently, Battleline Industries has been hitting it hard, releasing new product after new product. We look forward to hearing about their next undertaking.


16 Responses to “Armored Releasable Carrier & Concealment”

  1. Mathieu says:

    Great write-up! Made me go to their site to see about ordering. Too bad they have a horrible site. 🙁

  2. steve says:

    This is really neat. I really hope battleline continues with their creativity.

  3. lord says:

    nice but would a sniper want to be resting on his plate for hours on end? its all about comfort and i personally wouldn’t bother with a plate carrier for stalking, laying up etc

  4. Strike-Hold! says:

    Like it. Integrated protection and concealment – great thinking.

  5. Marc Crain says:

    Does the ghillie come off easy so it does not get hung up when moving?

    • Yes, the “ghillie” or concealment panels are removable and attachable in the field utilizing a quiet and flexible attachment / removal system.

      Battleline Industries

  6. Hey Guys, thank you for the comments and feedback, I really appreciate it.

    The A.R.C.C. concept was designed to be fully modular allowing the operator / sniper / solider to configure the kit to his mission specific needs. for example, he could leave the soft armor in for padding and leave the hard armor out if he knew he was going to be on his chest for the duration of the mission. However, if some soldier wanted extra concealment or a sniper wanted to look like the rest of the group until he needed concealment then the option is there. Please comment and give constructive feedback, we appreciate it at Battleline Industries.

    Thank you,
    Josh Paquette
    Battleline Industries

  7. Swat34 says:

    Very interesting. @Battleline, anything in the works for a side opening PC similar to SkD’s PIG but without the front Velcro? I’ve been looking for something like that with off-side shoulder release.

    • Hi Swat 34,
      the A.R.C.C. actually does not use any Velcro to hold the main sections together and you can enter from either side by undoing the cummerbund hooks in the front on either the left or right side. I will have more detailed photos on the website by next week. We are still under construction, but we decided to whet everyone’s appetite a little.

      Thanks for your interest,

      Josh Paquette
      Battleline Industries

      • Swat34 says:

        Right! I like that about it, but what about a switch-able quick release for the shoulders? I’m half Polish so my big nose gets a beating pulling PCs over my head, especially when they’re adjusted to keep the plates high. haha Sad but true!

        • Ahh, I understand your question now (I apologize), well unfortunately nothing in the works yet for that design feature, but I appreciate the feedback. This could possibly be something we take into account on the next PC we design. It get tricky not infringing on other manufactures ideas.

          However, maybe we can make a tactical nose guard if you need one in the future 😉


  8. Swat34 says:

    Haha Good stuff! I’ve been watching the news on the ballistic mandable attachments. I’ll def be watching you guy and look forward to the site update!

  9. Stefan S says:

    Site is horrible. Before you unveil a product have your shiite straight. Basically I have the sewing crew working, but the IT guy is sleeping on the job.

    • Thanks Stefan, I couldn’t agree more, I appreciate your feedback and pointing out the obvious.

      Josh Paquette
      Battleline Industries

    • Jim says:

      Creating your own business takes time and steps man. Give that guy a break. I am sure he is bustin butt to make things happen as fast as possible. Website still in process, but I give props to the products. The gear is going to change the soldier’s way and create a sound future for those who serve. Cheers