
Bermuda Regt Adopts MultiCam

According to a story in the Royal Gazette Online, the Bermuda Regiment is adopting a US produced version of the ACU in MultiCam as an interim measure while they await issue of the new British military’s new Multi Terrain Pattern uniforms currently undergoing issue.

Photo: Glenn Tucker
Above, Officers display the array of uniforms. The two on the left and the spokesman wear the new MultiCam ACUs while the fourth Soldier wears the new British ensemble in MTP and the last Soldier in line sports the current Soldier 95 uniform in Woodland DPM.

According to the Bermuda Regiment, 2012’s Recruits, plus the Regiment’s Full Time Staff and Long Term soldiers will be issued MultiCam Combat trousers, shirts, jackets, rain suits, and Jungle Hats later this month. Starting in 2013, Bermuda will be in the UK MoD Supply chain meaning uniform supplies will be both reliable and 30% lower than current costs.

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8 Responses to “Bermuda Regt Adopts MultiCam”

  1. Danny B says:

    Given the choice i’d take ACU’s over the new MTP PCS any day of the week.

  2. Hammer27 says:

    Really? This is a fashion contest after all. Why would you need MC in Bermuda? Let alone the fact that it probably isn’t the most effective there.

    • SSD says:

      Two things are driving this decision. Cost and interoperability. It would be cost prohibitive to stay in DPM. Additionally, Bermuda is closely allied with the UK and want to be in the same uniform.

  3. fact275 says:

    Isn’t the Bermuda Regiment technically part of the TA? As such it should wear UK-issued clothing.

    • SSD says:

      Agreed, unfortunately, they have not been a formal part of the MoD’s uniform program for some time.

  4. Whokka says:

    So they are buying MC to fill a gap until their MTP arrives where is the efficiency in that… there is no shortage of temperate DPM to fill their gap until 2013. The logic here is really flawed. Proof that they have gone for the fashion element over UK coherancy. The obvious stop gap would have been to give them all the UK issue UOR CS95 cut in MTP which was issued for Herrick until PCs was fielded, this UOr is now being returned to stores across the Uk. What a waste!!

  5. MarkM says:

    Is the 4th soldier in MTP wearing a combat smock? Sure looks like it, ribbon buttons and multiple pockets.

    Propper, wake up, you know you can sell every one you make. Just crank up the factory down there for a run, and then stand back. Even the seconds and blems will move, good luck keeping a sample.