FirstSpear TV

S&S Precision NavBoards

NavBoards are very specialized pieces of kit designed for use by Military Freefall Parachutists to aid in navigation while under canopy. Since releasing their Standard NavBoard, S&S Precision has developed several new models based on customer requirements. Each differs slightly based on the equipment used by the parachutist.





See S&S Precision’s entire line at at SHOT Show in booth #8206.

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2 Responses to “S&S Precision NavBoards”

  1. Alan says:

    Pretty damn good idea. I would have loved to have had these when I was in a MFF slot.

    I am glad to see all the new innovations and gear coming out for those I am passing the torch to. Even simple things-like this-make the hazardous job of Military Free-Fall Parachuting that much easier and safer.

    I cannot wait to hear some AAR’s on how well these work.

  2. PLiner says:

    S&S makes some pretty bad ass kit, no question about that. However, their NAV boards are WAY overpriced for what they are, a piece of bent plastic with some bungy cord attached to it. If you owned a heat gun, some plastic, a hacksaw and a few bungy cords you could make one of these yourself for way less. With that said, S&S should be able to make some money on their products for all the time and effort put into designing it, thats why its called a business. However, this is one of their products that IMO is overpriced for what it is and what it costs to make. At the end of the day its just an OK piece of kit and there are people who just don’t like it (you can’t please everyone). My advise to S&S, lower the price to a more reasonable number and maybe more HALO teams would buy and use them.