
Safariland Teams with Kona to Produce Patrol Bike 29er


A lot of departments rely on bicycles for urban patrol. In fact, the Las Vegas strip is rife with them. To this end, Safariland has teamed All Terrain Bike specialists Kona to produce the new Patrol Bike 29er. Bike riders will know that the “29er” designation comes from the tire size. One feature that is cool is the sloping tube that makes it easier to mount and dismount.

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8 Responses to “Safariland Teams with Kona to Produce Patrol Bike 29er”

  1. Joe says:

    Gee, we used to just call those girl bikes….

  2. Buckaroomedic says:

    29’ers make a lot of sense for urban patrolling. They roll for ever, are very nimble and one can jump taller obstacles with them.

  3. FLC says:

    Girls bikes (dropped top tube)were usefull many years ago when girls wore skirts. It had nothing to do with anatomy.
    Thats it. plain and simple.
    The low top tube would help rapid mout, dismount.

  4. Nate s says:

    Any idea how much these bikes will run?