Wilcox BOSS Xe

Kick Some Ass with a Rolled Up Magazine – Redux

We first published this article in March of 2010. It’s still classic. Then again, there’s the Craig Sawyer method.

If you are a fan of our WTF? series of articles then this one is for you. We think we have identified the mother of all WTF?’s and all future articles will be judged against this one. This is awesome!

Professor Ronald Duncan is providing instruction in the art of Hoda Korosu; the art of improvised weaponry. I was actually quite pleased to see this since I have been telling my kids since they were little that you could turn anything into a weapon. I don’t think they really ever believed me until now.

Ever get your ass kicked with a rolled up magazine? Well be careful with this information. It can be dangerous. Seriously, someone (yes it was one of those doubting Thomas children of mine) almost put my eye out earlier. If you do put your eye out, (or anything else) remember, we warned you.

Finally, I gotta say, seeing this guy I immediately think of Pootie Tang and the belt.

7 Responses to “Kick Some Ass with a Rolled Up Magazine – Redux”

  1. Luke Burroughs says:

    Just… Wow. I know that anything can theoretically be turned into a weapon, but… Why initiate with the magazine when the chair is readily available? For the free hours I have, I would rather train on pistol/carbine/knife/taclight methodology. If you prepare accordingly, a copy of Cosmo should never enter the equation. Just my two cents. Thanks as always to Mad Duo for directing me over here.

  2. Tomaso says:

    Been their done that…and yes it works. It’s strong enough to smack a knife out of an unexpected opponents grip. Funny thing is most teachers seem to hit harder with it…because its just paper.lol

    Good times …good times

  3. Tomaso says:

    Been their done that…and yes it works. It’s strong enough to smack a knife out of an unexpected opponents grip. Funny thing is most teachers seem to hit harder with it…because its just paper.lol

    Good times …good times
    Found memory’s

  4. Wraith says:

    How very Jason Bourne…

  5. Brian Muoio says:

    I hope it was the kim kardashian playboy mag with her HUGE booty!!

  6. Joe says:

    the cousin to the Millwall brick

  7. tantaran says:

    if thats the case, then my father and many others like him are the hidden masters when it came to improvised weapons. anything that came to hand, you either took it or ran.