SureFire XC3

Panteao’s LE/Military Restricted DVDs Available Exclusively from US Cav

Panteao Productions announced today that US Cavalry is now the exclusive Panteao Dealer for the LE/Military restricted Make Ready DVDs. The first in the series of restricted DVDs is ‘Make Ready with Paul Howe: Intro to Exterior Movement.’

Paul Howe is a high-risk training instructor that served 20 years in the US Army, ten of those in Special Operations. He served as a Tactical Team Leader and Senior Instructor while assigned to Army Special Operations. During his tour in special operations he was involved in several combat actions. One of the most notable was the battle of Mogadishu that was later portrayed in the motion picture Black Hawk Down.

For this video Panteao takes you to the CSAT (Combat Shooting and Tactics) training facility in Nacogdoches, TX where Paul introduces you to Exterior Movement. After a thorough review of equipment, Paul demonstrates single person, two person, and team movement. He reviews clearing corners, the tactical flare, room penetration, CQB medical, the surgical rifle drill and the SUL movement drill.

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2 Responses to “Panteao’s LE/Military Restricted DVDs Available Exclusively from US Cav”

  1. Reseremb says:

    Finally available for MIL/LEO of NATO members?

  2. Spencer W says:

    The elitism is sickening.

    Because all civilians are criminal scum, seriously this goes against Americas foundation. The British also thought(an still do) that only the military/law enforcement should have the means to fight, but it was the common American that threw them out.