Protact by Haartz

Highlander / Compression Kit / Packbag from HPG

Slowly but surely, piece by piece, Hill People Gear is building a system for back country living. Here you see the Highlander paired with the Compression Kit and a prototype Packbag. Keep it coming guys. We love what you are doing!


5 Responses to “Highlander / Compression Kit / Packbag from HPG”

  1. ODG says:

    Looks good Evan!

  2. Mark says:

    How soon? I need one, like yesterday…

  3. Alan Craig says:

    I’m watching these guys closely…they are one of the few out there taking their time and doing things right,with alot of thought,then T&E,
    instead of just copying Eagle Industries designs as the whole basis for the others’ companies.

    I am expecting this company to do and produce great things. I am going to be getting their bags/pack as soon as I can,as it looks like it will interface nicel with all my other packs. Once HPG come out with a ECW/Mountain type pack good for LRS type missions,that as well is mine!

    I’m just waitin’…. 😀

    • Alan Craig says:

      I also really like that they dont have every product prefaced with “Tactical” and/or named “SF…”,”SOF…”, “Delta…”.

      They realize quality gear doesnt need the newest “buzzword” for the product name.

      I really need one of their hats too. I always forget.

  4. Buckaroomedic says:

    I have and/or have had, several pieces of their equipment. All of it is top-notch, very well thought-out and first quality construction. I really like their Serape idea, waited too long to get one though. I’ll pick one up when they are offered again.