RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Strike Industries – Prototype Ichiro Magata Beavertail

Designed by Ichiro Nagata, and produced by www.strikeindustries.com the beavertail is intended for those who assume a high grip and may not engage the grip safety.

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2 Responses to “Strike Industries – Prototype Ichiro Magata Beavertail”

  1. JASON says:

    That has to be the dumbest idea I’ve seen in a while. Your grip can only go so high on a 1911… and unless you have tiny tiny hands, this is worthless. If your hands are that small, you might want to look at a different platform altogether. A beavertail with a pad should be plenty and if it’s not, pin the damn thing down.

  2. Brian says:

    I love the design though. Hope it won’t be too heavy.