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Who Knew Todd McDunn Had Such Muscular Thighs?


Black Ops Toys is offering this 1/6th scale Soldier Story 160th SOAR Nightstalkers – Pilot Todd McDunn Figure with Extra Ankle Pins, Muscular Slip On Thighs and Feet. Eagle Industies’ McDunn is well known as “McStache” due to his manly mustache. He is in fact, a Veteran of the famed Nightstalkers.

Interestingly, as we understand it anyway, this figure was molded directly from McDunn. It’s odd that they left his trademark facial hair off of the action figure, yet they decided to feature his equally renown muscular thighs. And, strangely enough, they gave his likeness freakishly large feet but forgot to include the normally associated appendage.

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10 Responses to “Who Knew Todd McDunn Had Such Muscular Thighs?”

  1. Sal Palma says:

    LOL ROFLMAO… You guys are nuts. Where do I get one….

  2. Bluto says:

    Concerns me greatly that you felt the need to strip Todd buckass necked – just saying………

  3. Strike-Hold! says:

    Slip on thigh muscles with freakishly bulging veins – bizarre.

  4. Whokka says:

    Ha!!! a top guy!! but seeing a little more of him than I would have wanted too!!!
    When are you guys gonna showcase some of his products to the world??!!!

  5. R.Anderson says:

    The “surrender” position with and extended index finger = awkward!

    Cheers and thanks to all 160th troopers, but Jumpin’ Jesus guys, this thing is squishy.