RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Crye Precision JPCs Available through OP Tactical


The CP Jumpable Plate Carrier weighs in at just over 1 pound and is so popular they are regularly put of stock, everywhere. OP Tactical tells us they have secured a healthy shipment of Medium and Large in MultiCam and are taking Pre-orders.

Limited to 2 per customer. They should ship Friday 9 November.


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6 Responses to “Crye Precision JPCs Available through OP Tactical”

  1. Chris says:

    Healthy shipment = almost enough to outfit a complete SFODB.

  2. mike says:

    We’re good on Mediums and Larges, it would be nice if they were getting smalls or XL so we could barter, but seeing as all we’d have to trade is the two sizes they have it won’t work well for us 😛

  3. Alex says:

    Damn, I need TAN. The higherups say tan. Bastards, I have been waiting almost 2 months.

  4. mike says:

    Wouldn’t it make sense to let people buy them in bulk and sell them at twice the price? I know that lead-times from Crye can be atrocious, but if the re-sellers are creating a market where JPCs are worth Gold and you’re charging Silver prices then you’re almost assured to sell your stock everytime it cycles in…

    Alex, we ordered a handful in Coyote and have been waiting about that long.

    We’ve waited a year for one order of Multicam medium and large JPCS in the past. We had some others come in during that time, but that order legitimately took a year.

  5. straps says:

    First Spear Beat Up PC with their most excellent shoulder pads.

    Then order a Crye from Fatty (or another reliable re-seller).

    When the Crye comes in move the shoulder pads over and evaluate. The worst that will happen is you’ll (a) take a minor loss on the Beat Up (b) make a bit of a profit on the Crye. My money’s on the Beat Up (and its scalable compatability with the Sleeper)–but that could just be my body mechanics and application.

    I don’t have personal, professional or remunerative ties to anyone. But there are LOTS of people building good product.