GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Assault Plate Carrier in Kryptek Highlander


Check out this prototype Assault Plate Carrier in Kryptek Highlander produced by Velocity Systems. Kryptek is one of four finalists in the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort and Highlander is their transitional pattern. The APC is a Mayflower Research & Consulting design, but don’t worry. Mayflower and Velocity work together on a wide variety of projects. Although this is a one-off, I’d hazard that it’s safe to say that this is a portent of things to come.

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7 Responses to “Assault Plate Carrier in Kryptek Highlander”

  1. kaos kydex says:

    I need that!!!

  2. Chris says:

    That thing is BA.

  3. Haji says:

    have camo actually work is the most important thing, but that pattern is nasty. I can’t imagine uniforms in that making the SGM happy.

    As always, MRC workmanship is outstanding.

  4. Daggertx says:

    That actually looks better than I expected. At a glance I thought somebody spraycanned it.

  5. mike says:

    This is an excellent example of predator camo. Much like a Cheetah, whose patterns seem to wild to work, the pattern works very well on the move.

  6. m5 says:

    This illustrates well the challanges that the new advanced camo patterns face. The Kryptek pattern offers an amazing illusion of 3D. Now that you cut up the pattern into pieces with all that webbing, the illusion is gone.

    Just how could you match the pattern in the webbing, base and uniform without skyrocketing the price of assembly?

  7. JulietUniform says:

    I like the Kryptek patterns. They Highlander looks highspeed low drag to me. If people would just stop for a minute and think about practical use instead of, “oh this doesn’t look like its military” then they’d remember that the ghillie suit was originally and still is a hunters innovation. Same goes with the duck hunter pattern used by SF and LRP teams during the Vietnam war.