SIG SAUER - Never Settle

New Paul Howe DVD from Panteao

Paul Howe is a Mogadishu Vet and has seen combat from a perspective shared by few. As is the case with most of the men from his Unit, when he talks, I listen. Now, Panteao Productions has released a new video with Paul that concentrates specifically on Combat Mindset, an issue that is difficult to incorporate into traditional range-based training.

Preparing yourself mentally for the fight is critical. Your success against an aggressor will depend on not just your skill-set but also your mindset. In this video Paul Howe reviews important topics like motivation to survive, fear and negative thoughts, mental programming, how to handle stress, tactical confidence, medical self-aid, and more.

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9 Responses to “New Paul Howe DVD from Panteao”

  1. Andrew says:

    I’ve spent my fair share of time in cadaver labs & at accident scenes and considered myself to have a strong stomach. Although I liked the video overall, I would STRONGLY suggest heading the warnings regarding the graphic content. It’s been three days and I’m still not sleeping well. Your mileage may vary.

  2. Jason says:

    Wow….I’ll keep that in mind, thanks Andrew. I’ve been meaning to check out the rest of his videos. I figure core skills and the right mental training are the foundations to build off of so hopefully it’ll help with that.

  3. Ex11A says:

    But wait, he can’t be tacticool can he? He doesn’t have any optics or lasers hanging off his rifle, and that looks like a stock Glock in that not-quite-drop-leg holster. He doesn’t even have any Multicam on.

  4. Jayhawk says:

    The graphic content Andrew is referring to isn’t the medical portion. I won’t be a spoiler-saw the videos at his seminar. I don’t see how it won’t disturb you though at some level. But I also found it to be an awesome “No BS” motivational wake up call.

    • toast says:

      Agreed. If you watch every second of the video and audio in that segment, the point Paul is going for will sink in, no doubt.

  5. Buckaroomedic says:

    Haven’t seen this video yet, should be good though considering who made it. I find it very interesting that in a “combat mindset” video, “medical self-aid” is prominently mentioned in the synopsis. Ever since I was a baby medic, we were told that is why the American fighter fights so well. They know that if they are wounded they will have a medic/corpsman there within seconds to render aid. It is nice to see this topic covered in a “combat mindset” training scenario. Self-aid/buddy-aid seems to be creeping-up everywhere.

  6. droneboy says:

    Sgt.Howe is one switched on cookie!