Way back in April 0f 2011 we ran a rather unconventional Camo Design Contest prior to the kickoff of the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort. During the ensuing two years the Army has downselected to four commercial families of patterns and tested the heck out of them. Since the Secretary of the Army is supposed to announce their selection this Friday in celebration of the Army’s birthday, we thought it would be fun to poll our readers on which pattern they want the Army to choose. This unscientific poll will remain open until Wed evening at 2359Z so that we can announce the winner on Thursday morning, just in case it might sway the Army’s decision. Feel free to vote for your favorite and tell your friends.
kryptek FTW !!!
Hope it’s not Kryptek; the last thing I want to do is strut around in a uniform that reminds me of a bad calculus III problem
Multi-Cam, simply because they already issue it…
But any of these pats are good
I think there’s going to be a mix. Crye for the Transitional, and ADS for the woodland and desert. If Crye is out, then I think it’ll be ADS all the way.
That being said, I’m personally partial to Kryptek. But this ain’t about my own likes. Also, Is Brookwood going to be the underdog that takes it all? It just seems to be the ‘Grey Man’ in this whole thing.
Yeah, this topic keeps me up at night.
Since Brookwood’s shapes are largely the same as with the old Woodland/ERDL, they might give additional nostalgia points to it.
Kryptek for the win
Is it just me or does Brookwood look like a bad water color painting? Not saying its a bad or ineffective pattern, it just doesn’t look very aesthetically pleasing.
I would hope that a little fiscal responsibility will prevail here. None of the patterns really did much better than the others and we all have multicam uniforms and OCIE issued to us already. I would think DA would choose Crye. But there has to be common sense involved.
Anything but that Kryptek crap. Multicam’s my personal favorite, not that that matters a bit – but hey, you guys asked.
I still haven’t seen the Crye pattern…
^ ^ ^ This. ^ ^ ^
Cramer’s pattern looks most professional of the lot. So that one.
Multicam a close second.
Kryptek looks like something out of Crysis and Brookwood is a throwback.
Anything but ACU!
MC standard KRYPTEC SOF.
I actually like ODG’s pattern.
ADS got my vote, Mr. Cramer sold it well. We might all have a SWIR app on our phones in five years. Crye has a shot and makes more sense to me because it’s out there now. The other two do nothing for me at all.
Kryptek FTW!
SSD–is the top left photo actually Crye’s entry or is it MultiCam? (Or is MultiCam Crye’s entry?)
I think they are leaning towards ADS/Cramer due to the similar geometry to the Marpat and AOR family. I do like the Crye, but that’s just me.
I don’t know if I like Crye or not, since I’ve never seen their entries. Maybe MultiCam is their transitional pattern, but I want to see the woodland and desert variants before I decide whether or not I like it.
I believe the Crye patterns have the same or very similar geometries as Multicam. OC Tactical has some mysterious fabric which looks like Multicam re-colored in desert colors, and has Crye Associate markings on the selvage. Black and white low resolution pictures can be seen in Crye’s patents.
(Crye denies it’s their fabric, but here’s the unidentified stuff OCTactical has: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/156998_517589631612985_453955962_n.jpg
FB Album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.517589588279656.1073741828.367099833328633&type=1)
Kryptek–is that the Jurassic version? Looks like dinosaur skin. Hmm dinoskin. I should do something with that.
Whichever one is chosen, I bet one of the others will protest….
Especially if it’s Crye… “They just chose them b/c there’s so much existing stuff! They ignored the science!”
I have doubts that Kryptek will win- though it is a novel idea that has certainly worked very well AND looks very cool, I just don’t think it can hold up to the science used by Mr. Cramer or any other pattern designer that uses software (DCS comes to mind).
They wont pick Multi-Cam. They know digital pattern is the way to go
you mean pixelated…MC is digital.
Why the hell did you put a pic of US4CES-D? Please change it to a pic of US4CES-A which is actually one of the finalists.
I’d like to see the actual Crye patterns, since they said MultiCam was not their submission. I hope ADS wins, though.
Funny how everyone picks the crye patterns to win but no one knows what they look like. And krypteks color is way off, take a look at the pictures on hyperstealth facebook page were they are compared to us4ces ,multicam ,and marpat, mandrake is the only one that looks right.
hypersteath is just trying to sell a pattern ..
Brookwood. Or, as I call it, “Monet Pattern”.
Someone needs to get out more. Slightly appreciate the outrage.
MultiCam would be the financially smarter way to go since it’s already in use, but just for cool factor, the ADS pattern looks pretty good too.
Kryptek will only help our soldiers blend in when they’re shopping at Walmart. It’s really just hunting camo. Do we really want our soldiers to look like they bought their uniforms at Cabela’s?
of course cause the enemy is looking for soldiers not hunters ….
I agree, kryptek doesnt look anything like camo an army would wear, just doesnt look professional, and just like the poor choice of colors that brookwood has in there trans/arid patterns, krypteks dont look right either.
I def like multicam and I am very curious to see what the crye patterns look like compared to multicam, but I have a feeling its going to be very similar, and if transitional is going to be the default uniform to be worn would you really want to be wearing a camo pattern that tons of other countries all ready use? the dif between multicam and british MTP is enough to notice pretty quickly but between multicam and the australian version forget about it
Kryptek is fantastic. I was skeptical until I actually saw the Highlander in action. Best pattern I have ever seen.
KRYPTEK for sure should win!
I like the kryptek and ADS and if there is a winner I hope that’ll be one of those two.
but I think that’ll be the ads that will win (because it is a digital)
Kryptek all the way.
Multicam if for no other reason than the fact it’s already in use and it’s proven to work. The Army already wasted money on the OCP debacle, I think it’ll be wasteful to do 3rd reissue of uniforms so soon when something that works is already here.
But of the patterns? Anything but the Kryptek. It doesn’t really work.
Any of the above except the ADS US4CES. That looks like the AOR pattern with psoriasis.
I think ADS has the most effective pattern, but the large amount of MultiCam OCIE in the inventory leads me to vote for Crye. I believe that if we use the pre-existing OCIE with the new uniform we could spend the remaining money on other issues, like replacing the MOLLE ruck with something that’s worth a damn.
Kryptek! I have been using Kryptek since it first showed up at Cabelas, and they just keep making it better every year!
Although it would be sweet if Mathews lost camp had a desert camp pattern
Multicam..I’ve personally used it , it works!! If you have never served, then you wouldn’t know what the terrains look like in the countries we are in.
Keep it simple , use the multicam!
Kryptek for sure. its all about what works the best not what the public thinks looks the prettiest. shadows depth and deception. If I am choosing a pattern that will potentially save my life I want more then some blotches on material, I want Kryptek.
Just a thought is seems that the material or quality of the pictures are different. Picture A and C seem to be on a different material and d seems to be on an even different material then the others. I hate to see it not apples to apples even if Kryptek still looks like it would work better to me.
Kryptek please.
New pack in Kryptek
Works awesome, and no other country uses it. Also it is local company in AK.
I like Kryptek, but I’m surprised US4CES is doing so poorly.
US4CES blends best, has the right geometry, and is more toward what a digital pattern should be. And it works. Kryptek is good, and I think it’s a close second, but, my money’s on US4CES
Kryptek. Disabled vet owned/operated…research/consulting with SOF. And it looks badass. Crye is already out there, but the Brits and several other countries wear it as well. I’ve hunted in it and it works!
Why does everyone like Kryptek? I think it’s the worst of the four.
Kryptek is my favorite, with ADS being a close second.
My money on the pattern the pick is probably multicam since they’ve issued so many uniforms and gear in that pattern already. If not that, I see them picking ADS to keep with the military’s digital theme, just an effective color combination this time around. I’ll be somewhat surprised if kryptek wins, it’s only chance is if it happens to be the best performer, given its very unconventional style. I don’t see brookwood having a chance at all