Protact by Haartz

NZDF 1st Bde Begins Fielding New Uniforms


The New Zealand Army’s 1st Brigade has begun to field the new Multi-Terrain Camouflage Uniform.


The new garb features incorporated knee and elbow pads and there is also an FR version for operational deployments. They are part of a new layered clothing system includes wet and cold weather layers which are designed to fit underneath and over top of the MCUs.


The NZ Army will be rolling the uniforms out over the next six months. The now ‘old’ uniform worn by NZ Army will be inspected and all serviceable items will be placed into a clothing pool to equip recruits, officer cadets and the NZ Air Force until stocks are exhausted.

One significant aspect of this new uniform and associated camo pattern developed by HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp is that it is not a pixelated pattern. Additionally, the Kiwis opted for a single pattern, acknowledging that troops find themselves in multiple environments over the course of an operation. According to Project Manager, Captain Ian Leabourne, “We have traditionally had our two patterns of uniform, one for the jungle and one for the desert. However, with the operational environments we face today, we can be operating in a variety of terrains within one area. We needed something which would do the job in whatever environment we deploy to. This uniform, with its unique NZ Defence Force pattern, solves this issue. The MCUs are a layered clothing system, so it is not just a case of a new look. We have included the full range of clothing which our soldiers need to perform well on operations and in training.”

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22 Responses to “NZDF 1st Bde Begins Fielding New Uniforms”

  1. jjj0309 says:

    Looks very familiar with A-tacs.

  2. CAVstrong says:

    Wow not only did they announce a new camo pattern but they fielded it in a reasonable time. AND they developed what sounds like a practicable reasonable and well throughout uniform system for their troops.

    Must be nice.

    • Philip says:


      And I totally did not see this comment when I posted mine saying essentially the exact same thing.

      But really, you’re right.

  3. BradKAF308 says:

    The solid on cam sucks but you can work around that. Other then that not bad. Watch out for Orcs Kiwis.

  4. Luke says:

    I liked the sample pattern shown previously, but I was expecting the pattern to be much larger. This seems to blur together like UCP.

    also looks very green and brown like multicam up close but looks more grey the further out you get. I was thinking A-TACS when I was watching the video too.

  5. SteveB says:

    Sorry, not that impressive. Overall color is too grey. It also lacks a good macro-pattern to disrupt at distance. Better than UCP, but nowhere near as good as Kryptek.

    • SteveB says:

      Caveat, pattern looks fine for semi-arid and urban environments. However, the idea of one pattern for all environments is hogwash. There really NEEDS to be three (desert, transitional, woodland). IMO, each pattern should also perform reasonably well in the next closest environment that it’s designed for (i.e. desert in transitional, transitional in both desert and woodland, and woodland in transitional). The Kryptek FOPs does this quite well.

  6. JohnnyB says:

    Seems a touch too light to blend in with most environments.

  7. Craig P says:

    I don’t see the point in introducing a uniform pattern that would benefit a Soldier in an arid AO when they have just withdrawn the bulk of their forces from Afghanistan. This was probably in the pipeline years before the NZDF thought of leaving Afghanistan, they could of just limited this pattern for SF use only – but then again they already wear Multicam. For a small Defence Force I think the money could of been spent elsewhere and correct me if I am wrong I thought the old pattern worked well in New Zealand’s very Green forrested area’s.

  8. wheeler says:

    Wow, the pattern looks different than on the photosh I have seen before. A little bit greyish, but nice.
    Btw. what about those vests, what are those? I know that they are now using Eberlestock packs, but I don’t know about the vests.

    • BS says:

      It’s BAE Eclipse RBAV-SF

    • Luke says:

      hadn’t heard about the Eberlestock packs, I know their assault packs (the one in the first photo) are camelbak tri-zips but I hadn’t heard what their large rucks were.
      have to look for pics now.

  9. Mike B. says:

    Looks a bit too light in color. Wonder how it will look in alpine and darker terrain. The Coyote equipment doesn’t help it that much either.. Those black boots also stand out wearing it..

  10. bulldog 76 says:

    new zealand ucp ???

    • Ghillie Zen says:

      My thoughts exactly.. This is no more a multi-terrain solution than UCP. Too light and nothing in the pattern to disrupt or blend users shape against woodland/jungle or even heavily foliaged areas.

      Looks great for the desert or urban settings tho….

  11. Philip says:

    Regardless of pattern, it seems THEY had no issues acknowledging the need for a new uniform, selecting a pattern and fielding it to their forces in a timely manner.

    • Paralus says:

      Now if they can just get the coloration down. That looks fine for arid areas, but atrocious for temperate green areas.

  12. Steven S says:

    The scale of the pattern is so small.

  13. bkatpalmy says:

    This pattern was adopted because:

    CRYE wanted an unfeasible sum of money for NZDF to use the UCP pattern under licence.

    The MoD UK was approached reference the MTP pattern, and basically the NZDF was told to… go away & find something else.

    The pack is the F4M by Eberlestock.
    An odd choice considering that the Berghaus Crusader has been available and in service for and is significantly cheaper.

    The vest BAE Eclipse RBAV-SF is a clone of the Diamondback Tactical LBV Predator, or if not a direct copy very similar. Issued for ops.

    There are generic molle vests in service.

    The current issue LBE/ LBV is a Coyote Tan.

    There are new boots in the pipe.

    The lads who conducted trials said the new uniforms behaved well.