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Posts Tagged ‘New Zealand’

New Zealand Defence Force To Replace Current Service Pistol With Glock 17

Monday, November 30th, 2015


Earlier this month, the New Zealand Defence Force announced their current SIG Sauer P226 service pistol is to be replaced with the “new generation” (likely GEN 4) Glock 17 pistol. The pistols will be introduced into service across the New Zealand Navy, Army, and Air Force in the second half of 2016.

Lieutenant Colonel Dean Paul of the Land Capability Delivery Branch had this to say about the adoption of the Glock 17 pistol:

“Ensuring we remain a force equipped to succeed means supplying our people with fit-for-purpose personal protection weapons. This is part of our 2020 strategy for enhanced combat capability and we are pleased to be rolling out the new pistols next year.”

Australian company NIOA Nominees Pty Ltd was awarded the $1.8 million contract to supply approximately 1900 Glock 17s to the NZDF. The contract includes the pistols, along with ancillaries and through-life support.

This follows the announcement earlier in the year that the NZDF is replacing the Steyr AUG rifle currently in service with a Lewis Machine & Tool AR-15 pattern rifle. The particular model of rifle has yet to be announced.

Source: www.nzdf.mil.nz/news/media-releases/2015/20151125-nzdftgngp

The New Zealand Army To Replace The Steyr With A Lewis Machine & Tool AR-15 Style Rifle

Monday, August 17th, 2015

According to a Request for Tender available on the New Zealand Ministry of Defence website, The New Zealand Army has chosen to replace the Steyr AUG currently in service with an AR-15 Style rifle manufactured by Lewis Machine & Tool. The US-based manufacturer was one of multiple companies chosen for the Individual Weapon Trial Phase, which was conducted between March 2nd and June 1st of 2015.

Replacement Individual Weapon

After the trials, LMT was selected by the Ministry of Defence as the preferred Tenderer. Pending a Due Dilligence activity by the Ministry, negotiation of a contract package, and New Zealand Government approval, LMT will be awarded a contract to provide the rifles. The exact model of LMT rifle hasn’t been revealed, although according to sources, the rifles are expected to start fielding in 2016-2017.

The New Zealand Army is already well acquainted with Lewis Machine & Tool, having selected and fielded a LMT DMR since 2012. Here is a video released by the NZDF of the LMT DMR in action:

You can find out more information on the New Zealand Army’s ongoing Weapon Replacement and Upgrade Program at www.army.mil.nz/our-capability/firepower/weapons-upgrade.

NZDF 1st Bde Begins Fielding New Uniforms

Friday, June 21st, 2013


The New Zealand Army’s 1st Brigade has begun to field the new Multi-Terrain Camouflage Uniform.


The new garb features incorporated knee and elbow pads and there is also an FR version for operational deployments. They are part of a new layered clothing system includes wet and cold weather layers which are designed to fit underneath and over top of the MCUs.


The NZ Army will be rolling the uniforms out over the next six months. The now ‘old’ uniform worn by NZ Army will be inspected and all serviceable items will be placed into a clothing pool to equip recruits, officer cadets and the NZ Air Force until stocks are exhausted.

One significant aspect of this new uniform and associated camo pattern developed by HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp is that it is not a pixelated pattern. Additionally, the Kiwis opted for a single pattern, acknowledging that troops find themselves in multiple environments over the course of an operation. According to Project Manager, Captain Ian Leabourne, “We have traditionally had our two patterns of uniform, one for the jungle and one for the desert. However, with the operational environments we face today, we can be operating in a variety of terrains within one area. We needed something which would do the job in whatever environment we deploy to. This uniform, with its unique NZ Defence Force pattern, solves this issue. The MCUs are a layered clothing system, so it is not just a case of a new look. We have included the full range of clothing which our soldiers need to perform well on operations and in training.”

Multi Terrain Camouflage Uniform for New Zealand Troops

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

The New Zealand Army has announced that they are looking at a new camouflage pattern and new uniform system. This pattern was developed by Canada’s Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corporation.

The NZDF is looking at revamping its combat clothing to provide better protection for its troops.

Capability Branch, Log Command (Land) and The Workwear Group have been working on a project to introduce an Improved Combat Clothing System (ICCS) to the NZDF. The project is addressing the areas of layering, material, material treatment, garment cut and camouflage pattern.

A significant milestone has been reached through the selection of the Multi Terrain Camouflage Uniform (MCU) that will aid the protection through concealment of our personnel.

Why are the current DPM patterns being replaced?
The current in- service Disruptive Pattern Material (DPM) pattern and Desert DPM (DDPM) patterns have provided good service for many years. These patterns are being replaced because:

The current patterns work well in limited environments only. In the case of DPM it works well in lush green tropical and subtropical environments, however it is sub optimal in arid environments and urban terrain. Our operational experience in environments such as Afghanistan has proven that the colour spectrum of the operating environment can change rapidly and personnel can quickly find themselves dressed in camouflage unsuited to the environment.

The current DPM pattern used by the NZDF is also used by many other nations around the world. A new pattern uniform provides for a unique New Zealand identity that allows New Zealand service personnel to be clearly identified as New Zealanders.
Neither the current DPM nor DDPM uniforms are particularly effective in urban environments.
Technology advances in camouflage pattern design and manufacture now make it possible to produce single camouflage patterns that are effective across a wider range of operating environments.
Pattern Selection
During the pattern selection process numerous camouflage designs were submitted for NZDF review. From this review 12 separate camouflage patterns were selected and testing was conducted throughout 2011. Much of this testing occurred in Waiouru as in this one location can be found forest, open country tussock, sandy and urban terrain. This testing saw the 12 patterns narrowed down to five, which were then manufactured into basic garments for further testing by Capability Branch and Combat School Staff in Waiouru.

From this testing the best performing two camouflage patterns were selected for final testing. Both patterns were then tested in sandy terrain at Kaipara Air Weapons Range, in forested close country north of Auckland and in urban terrain at Whenuapai Airbase. Both patterns proved effective in these environments.

Finally, a selection of NZ Army personnel was independently requested to rate aesthetically which pattern they preferred. This proved to be the factor that separated the two designs with an overwhelming 80 percent preferring the finally selected pattern. This pattern was further confirmed by Chief of Army and the Sergeant Major of the Army conducting a road show of a mocked up uniform to selected Army units.

Fabric selection
Throughout Exercise Alam Halfa personnel from 1 RNZIR, 2/1 RNZIR, QAMR and 16 Field Regiment trialled a number of different fabric types and garment cuts to assess fit, functionality, durability and safety. This trial aimed to aid the assessment and selection of the fabric that best meets NZ Army requirements for the new MCU. It is envisioned that a training version and a flame retardant version of the MCU will be made provided.

What happens next?
Logistics Command (L) is currently developing a plan to enable the introduction into service of MCU to replace DPM. This plan will include the requirement to waste outfully utilise the current stocks of DPM. It is intended that the MCU will be used across the NZDF. The date when it will be phased into service has yet to be finalised however it is likely to be around mid 2013. Army News will provide further information as it becomes available.

NZ Army’s New Designated Marksman Rifle

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

The New Zealand Army has adopted a variant of the LMT 308 MWS. Here is a video talking a little about the weapon and showcasing some training.