
USAF SERE Specialist Trains Boy Scouts in Japan

It’s great to see an Air Force SERE Specialist passing his fieldcraft knowledge on to Scouts.

9 Responses to “USAF SERE Specialist Trains Boy Scouts in Japan”

  1. Will says:

    BOOTS!!! BOOTS!!! BOOTS!!!

  2. Jay Nguyen says:

    Every year USAF PJ’s holds a 2 week orientation course for Civil Air Patrol Cadets. There’s also an advanced course. It’s pretty tough even though its just for teens.

  3. blue says:

    i did PJOC back in 1999, they have the SERE guys teaching there too, it was an awesome course,

  4. Freedom Fighter says:

    Outstanding ! It is always great to read how those serving on the tip of the spear are passing on their field craft knowledge and experience to the next generation. I graduated from SERE school in 2001, it is some of the best training around. Thank you for posting this article.

  5. ABU's says:

    My feelings are hurt!

  6. defensor fortisimo says:

    Plus he can help them earn their waterboarding merit badge.

  7. Ed says:

    Get their attention and develop their interest when they are young.

    BSA Search and Rescue Merit Badge Requirements:

    BSA Wilderness Survival Merit Badge Requirements:

    BSA First Aid Merit Badge Requirements:

  8. Jim says:

    His name is Robert Rogers and he’s in the Air Force?

    • Mike B. says:

      Jim I was thinking the same thing. Guy should have tried to go Army Rangers..

      I am also an Adult Volunteer with he BSA. And using my Survival training, and extended courses and experience. I have been teaching Wilderness Survival yearly here. The Scouts always have a great time. and it’s great to see them learn something new.

      Over here in Europe we often have military come down and teach MB Courses. First Aid course is the best.

      The Scout Executive for the Far East Council, Karen Meier, is a great Scouter. She came from our Council TAC, and has given many years of service to our Council. She’s doing great things like this in FEC..