TYR Tactical

And The Blue MultiCam Variants Keep Coming

As if the RAAF Blue AMP variant wasn’t enough, now we can see the operational use of a Blue Maritime MultiCam knockoff from Montenegro. I’d like to point out that Crye had no hand in either of these travesties.


Thanks to Strike Hold for the tip.

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7 Responses to “And The Blue MultiCam Variants Keep Coming”

  1. God says:

    Produced by Kroko International.

  2. BradKAF308 says:

    Bad decissions are made every where.

  3. BradKAF308 says:

    Hey Eric how about a camo contest?

  4. Greg says:

    Whats next? Pink Multicam?

  5. Snot Locker says:

    Ugh…more Drown-O-Flage!

  6. Justin says:

    As silly as they look and as this sounds..they look better than the blue digital.

  7. D1G says:

    Navy crews should be blending in with their ships color not the water its floating on.Solid navy grey is better but isn’t Hollywood or simple enough for the DOD.
    -PO2 Harrison