TYR Tactical

Kryptek Announces Jim Erwin As Newest Pro Staff Member

Jim “The Kraken” Erwin is the latest member of Kryptek’s Pro Staff. Man, I knew Jim before he was “The Kraken”.


Jim spent 12 years in the US Army including service with 1st SFOD-D and has an extensive background in industry where he is well known. Congrats Jim and Kryptek!


3 Responses to “Kryptek Announces Jim Erwin As Newest Pro Staff Member”

  1. Chris K. says:

    And it looks like he’s a lefty! Nice.

  2. Iceman says:

    Great addition Jim is an outstanding brand ambassador. Congrats to both parties. I know Jim was working with White Raven comms to help build industry relationships. Looks like it was a success.

  3. ODG says:

    Jim, great hanging with you and primo at the OR show. Had I known you were playing for the other team I would have challenged you to a wrestling match!