Wilcox BOSS Xe

McMillan Merchant Solutions Update

This is so significant, I’ve posted it under Disruptive Tech. We’ve been mentioning McMillan’s move to create a merchant solutions firm after their run in with Bank of America. It’s now one step closer to reality with the launch of their website and a Facebook page.


The site remains under construction www.mmsllc.com but follow www.facebook.com/mmsllc2A to stay abreast of their latest updates.

They also posted this:

Firearms Industry Merchants – Your Current Credit Card Processing is at Risk.
August 8, 2013 at 8:37pm
Some might say the title of this Post/Note is premature and alarmist in nature. We don’t think so and here’s proof. Can you buy/sell online? Click on the link after each choice below:

eBay – http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/firearms-weapons-knives.html
Craigslist – http://www.craigslist.org/about/prohibited.items
PayPal – https://www.paypal.com/webapps/helpcenter/article/?solutionId=38957
Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=200277700

Do all Merchant Gateways accept transactions from within the Firearms industry…or should I say YOUR BUSINESS?

Square – https://squareup.com/help/en-us/article/5089-prohibited-goods-and-services
Authorize.net – http://www.authorize.net/company/terms/

So what do we do about it?

In April of 2012, Bank of America asked Kelly McMillan to find another bank simply because he manufactured firearms. Conversations with Firearms Industry partners and customers show this is a growing problem. The Firearms industry is under enormous pressure, with many financial vendors covertly AND OVERTLY discriminating against Firearms manufacturers and retailers. Companies are being deprived of the ability to process debit and credit card transactions, often with no notice, simply because they sell firearms, ammunition, or related products and services.

To combat this trend, Kelly McMillan formed McMillan Merchant Solutions (MMS) and our mission is to help strengthen the firearms industry while supporting those organizations that are fighting for our 2nd Amendment rights. We can now provide financial stability for those who accept credit cards as payment and also provide short-term loans to qualified customers.

Let’s be proactive before we have to be reactive! Please help support our collective cause by Like’ing this Page. For more information on our services, and how you can SAVE money while SUPPORTING our Industry, email me at zev@mmsllc.com or call me at our toll free number 855-431-4979.


6 Responses to “McMillan Merchant Solutions Update”

  1. Sign me up! Kudos to MMS for creating a solution for the SHOT marketplace!

  2. MED says:

    Fantastic concept that’s actually going somewhere. What is going in with these other communist companies?

  3. Matt says:

    Maybe I can finally get some financial support for making nylon gear being I don’t have a daddy War bucks or “investors I can bilk out of money being a “snake oil salesman” thanks for the reference PC. 😉

  4. Reverend says:

    Kudos to them for seeing a problem, and finding a solution, instead of whining about it!

    Outstanding actions! I have lessened my frequency, if not stopped dealing with, the above mentioned merchants.

    We need to vote with our WALLETS, AND send them communications over WHY they have lost our business!

  5. Scubasteve says:

    Bank of America is a joke, wont support american buisness do firearm manufacturing. But will launder drug money from the mexican cartel.
    ~That…. makes…. sense…~

  6. Evan Hill says:

    Glad to see someone attacking this problem. Once they’ve demonstrably got their $hit together from a security and integration standpoint, we’re in.