
ESS Offices Threatened By Wildfires

Wildfires are threatening several counties in Idaho including the home of ESS. In spite of an evacuation notice, ESS will continue to support their customers as much as possible. If you try to contact the company’s main phone number you may get this message. However, employees may reach out via email or cell phones as possible.

Thank you for calling ESS. Our office is currently closed due to local Idaho wildfires burning near Sun Valley. Evacuation notices have affected our location, and we will re-open the office once those notices allow for our employees’ safe return to work. Thank you for your patience, and please check our web site for status updates about our office closure.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the ESS family and all of the residents of Idaho affected by these fires. Additionally, we hope that no firemen or other responders are injured while dealing with this crisis.


4 Responses to “ESS Offices Threatened By Wildfires”

  1. GW says:

    I rode through there last Sunday, the Fire teams were working thier asses off.
    I hope that they get the fire turned, we are thinking about our brothers and sisters at ESS, thier homes and Families safety.

  2. Greg says:

    Stay safe ESS, and everyone threatened by fires.

  3. James says:

    Stay safe guys… Time to fuel up the van Arron… and get out of dodge!

  4. Jason says:

    Stay safe. I’d rather home and property be intact and have to wait a few days for an order or an answer to a question than have something bad happen to one of the ESS employees.