RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

DSEi – Caracal

Caracal International LLC is a subsidiary of the United Arab Emirates company, Tawazun Holding. They have introduced a new AR-style weapon at DSEi. Overall, the lines of the carbine are a little different than what you would find on a US-issue M4 and more in line with what we are seeing with more modern extrapolations of the design.


Named the CAR 816, this piston gun is available in 10″, 14.5″ and 16″ configurations. The adjustable gas port has four settings, Normal, Silencer Hi, Silencer Lo, and Off. It also incorporates a few nice-to-haves. For instance, as you can see rail incorporates a quick release to facilitate breaking it down. Additionally, you can see the flared magwell on the lower receiver.


The grip is a rubberized variant of the USGI grip. Additionally, the break down pins are dimpled, making it easier to use a cartridge or ink pen to break the weapon down.


The nitride bolt design is slightly different than a non-mil spec design owing to the piston operating system and the magazine catch is available in an ambidextrous configuration.


Finally, the CAR 618 features a 1:7 twist Barrel in Cr-Mo nitrided steel.


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13 Responses to “DSEi – Caracal”

  1. TCBA_Joe says:

    UAE ripoff of the 416? I’d be interested in seeing the oprod setup.

  2. […] Anyone else see what I do? DSEi ? Caracal – Soldier Systems Reply With […]

  3. Angry Misha says:

    Yeah, I’d like to see some pics of the operating system.

  4. Iceman says:

    I checked it out. It’s a straight up rip off.

  5. Matt says:

    So will this be recalled completely like the pistol was this week?

  6. Angry Misha says:

    Wait!!! I got it!!!
    “CAR” =

    I’ll bet Todd took his “CA415” venture over the pond.

    Having been a user of the 416 platform, I like the adjustable gas idea.

    However, I’m not keen on the quick release hand guard. Never had a situation where I needed to quickly disengage my hand guard.

    Now, if they’d just have PAC-NOR make the barrels, and throw in an OTB option, they may sell a few uppers if they were assembled here and quality.

    Annnnd now let the Todd Baily bashing begin… Which will hijack the post… sigh

  7. Zulu6 says:

    My best emirati buddy was chief tester for Caracal & I was a member if the caracal shooting club in Abu Dhabi. He quit hecause their ranges didn’t have air conditioning & he got lead poisoning from test fires.

    I have fired their rip off pistol & rip off sniper rifle. This is a rip off AR. I can assure you they all suck so badly that they are a danger to the shooter. They are all rip off designs with a huge marketing budget. Note all the UAE police forces & army carry Glocks or Sigs. His was a national prestige project using Swiss designers. They don’t care about functionality. They spend billions to say “The UAE can make a gun indiginously.” They don’t even have the quality control of the Pakistani HK clones. Caracal sucks!!