
DSEi – Wilcox Industries

The Weapon Video Display from Wilcox is a component of the DUES system Dynamic Universal Engagement System consisting of a Day Optic, a Camera, WVS, Thermal Sight (not shown) and mounting solution. You can easily switch between day and thermal inputs and it essentially turns your thermal sight into a reflex sight.


Designed for use with crew served weapons, it allows you to remote your sights so you can engage targets even from under cover. Additionally, the WVS stabilizes the image even under full auto fire on a M2. The camera can be swung out of the way in the event you want to use the day optic directly.


Wilcox has been manufacturing weapon displays for 8 years and this product is a technology transition from a TSWG program. Over the years they have upgraded the device by improving the daytime use of the backlit screen and integrating multiple reticals. Additionally, there is a bore sight function that allows you to quickly slave the WVS to the actual weapon sight.

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One Response to “DSEi – Wilcox Industries”

  1. Tom says:

    Love it