GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

ATS Tactical Provides Load Carrying Solutions for the Polaris MRZR


When Polaris needed a modular load carrying solution for the MRZR they turned to ATS Tactical who created this rig. As you can see, these PALS-based panels allow the crew to configure their gear how they need it on the vehicle without fear of it going flying as they tool around the battlefield.


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8 Responses to “ATS Tactical Provides Load Carrying Solutions for the Polaris MRZR”

  1. Thumpy Covey says:

    I volunteer Sparky The Wonder Jeep, a lifted 1998 Wrangler TJ…for the same treatment as a demo vehicle! ATS can find me if they wanna see how they could make a BAZZILLION dollars doing the same thing for the Jeep market! Ring mount for the roof is OTW shortly, would be a heck of a project vehicle…just sayin’…

  2. Wild Bill USMC(Ret) says:

    WOW!!! This decked-out ATV is probably out of my price range. Anyways, it sure looks nice. I like Thumpy Covey’s idea too. A Jeep setup “for bear” would be the ultimate ATV/OTR vehicle — the gunport would be quite handy. Of course, anything like a modernized “RAT Patrol” vehicle would be great; and, I have a couple of friends with the right licenses to get a MA Deuce. Finally, something cool and functional — true tactical Jeeps and ATVs.

    • Haji says:

      That is something we’d consider looking at. All the variations of Jeeps could pose a problem, though; one offs are expensive propositions. We’d like to make it a regular production thing if we do it.

  3. Scathsealgaire says:

    Tactical Golf Cart?

  4. roy says:

    I would be the coolest kid at Bagram with that. But dont forget your helmet.

  5. fmfbest says:

    Looks great for flat terrain. Stop it dead with a 12-18 inch mound of dirt or similar depth ditch. Needs bigger wheels and twice the lift.

  6. Stefan S. says:

    Yeah what’s with the lawn mower wheels?