
Forces Focus – APU: Eagles of Afghanistan

APU Eagles of Afghanistan from KVG on Vimeo.

Discuss amongst yourselves.

20 Responses to “Forces Focus – APU: Eagles of Afghanistan”

  1. bob says:

    Wish there were more with their mentality.

  2. Hans Panzer 0311 says:

    This video is already taken down….

  3. Hans Panzer 0311 says:

    I had to go to YouTube to view it…

  4. Sgt E. says:

    Allowed me to view it here.

    Well it’s a nice PR deal but I’m not sure what difference it’ll mean when US forces actually leave.

  5. Stash says:

    Good on them for the attitude and willingness to fight….but their training, equipment, and funding is nearly 100% attributable to US forces. Hope they keep it up when we leave.

  6. Brian says:

    I just love to see our Tax dollar at work! They have literally better stuff than the average soldier is issued. without Apache’s and hell fires as well as numerous other hard mechanical equipment they are not going to last a week, Sorry to say but true. The country is destined to turn into a blood bath when we pull out! Hate to state the facts like this but couldn’t hold myself back!

  7. z0phi3l says:


    This will never come back to bite us in the ass, nope
    It’s awesome that we’ve trained our future enemies or those that will train our future enemies, remember right at the beginning the Officer mentioned this was all done for Allah and Islam, that’s my biggest issue

    • subchasr says:

      Yeah I hope those NVG’s and lasers on the M4s don’t end up (in wrong hands) pointed at our troops and PMC’s.

      • Sgt E. says:

        Well I bet it will at some point be used against us. We’ve already seen it but on the other hand what can we do? If we have any hopes of leaving Afghan as ANY sort of success we need the Afghanis to step up.

        Obviously there is a risk to losing the equipment and enhancing the enemy further however I don’t think the risk is as much as the potential reward of being able to use these units effectively versus Taliban/AQ types.

        It seems to be a damned if we do and damned if we don’t situation. I just think, again this is just my opinion, that there will be more gained from issuing NVGs M4/PEQ2s with basic M68 Aimpoints to the afghanis than not and letting them get blasted.

    • AC says:

      You could not sound any more ignorant. There are plenty of US soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen that pray to Allah and devote their lives to not only this country, but to Islam as well. We are not fighting a war against any religion or church, we are fighting a very determined and misguided group of people that just happen to make up a very minuscule faction of their religion. The only thing that separates the Taliban from Westboro Baptist Church is the action they take.

      • bob says:


      • Tremis says:

        “The only thing” that you mention is a pretty big deal. In similarity to “The only thing” separating us from Europe is a bit of water.

        Deeds not words.

        • Ash says:

          Here’s what you have to understand: if we didn’t have a heavy Rule Of Law present in this country, then MANY Christian groups would be taking up arms and killing the heretics (like Muslim extremists kill the infidels).

          If there were huge swaths of the continental US that had no law enforcement (like in Afghanistan/Pakistan), then you’d find militant training camps (like in Afg’n/Paki’n) training religious fundamentalists (like in Afg’n/Paki’n) to murder people they think deserve it based on their religion (like in Afg’n/Paki’n). I think the main thing keeping it from happening here is, again, we have a heavy and ubiquitous Rule Of Law (for now).

          So “the only thing” is a big deal, and it’s an imposed thing. I’m bettin’ dollars to bibles that if LE presence was the same in the US as in a lot of the Mid-East (i.e. practically non-existent) then West’o Baptist would be firebombing and firing into funerals.

          • Jason says:

            Most definitely. However, that transformation from third world with little infrastructure to first world country with a society that produces and enforces good laws is…..difficult. Without that infrastructure in place, all the training and all the material we leave behind will be useless…..I don’t know what will happen after US forces do leave.

      • Deadeye says:


      • z0phi3l says:

        Like Hassan? Ticking timebomb is you know anything about Islam and it’s principles, sad too, the Religion is screwing a lot of good minds with their nonsense

        • AC says:

          Wow, you’re ignorance is astounding. You’re going to put an entire religion on the shoulders of a few? If your stance were even remotely right, then I guess we should also blame all of the Christian world for Hitler as well.

  8. Roberts says:


    Do you honestly think without the LE presence Muslims would be hunted down in this country? In most states west of the MS specifically in rural areas- Muslims coexist with Christians in areas with maybe 1 deputy per 500 square miles on duty at any given time. In other words – there are huge areas without a law enforcement footprint. Are you naive enough to believe that American Christians would single out Muslims on a regular basis for murder? It appears that you have an ax to grind with Christianity in general and it has colored your judgment.

    • z0phi3l says:

      People like that NEED to believe ridiculous things liek that to justify being an apologist for all the things Muslims do in the name of their religion, you know things that are in their Holy Book for them to do to us infidels

  9. Bobby davro says:

    Anyone here actually worked with the tiger teams and afghan recce tolle soldiers???? Nice to see prejudice, ignorance and Americans bigging them selfs up as usual. You can sit there in you’re big fat armchair tapping away on a computer slagging them off but what what would you have them equipt with??? By the sounds of you lot you’d give them a stick and a rock and expect them to fight the war on terror with harsh words, give a man the tools, training and belief and he’ll fight. What would an American soldier do without his optics, nvgs and lasers ??? Complain like fuck