FirstSpear TV

Metal Sintering – Making 3D Printed Guns A Reality

Recoil magazine offers a great follow up to our recent story “3D Printing? Is The Genie Out Of The Bottle?“.

Meanwhile, from a laser sintering 3D printer in Texas…

Solid Concepts has manufactured what they are referring to as the “world’s first 3D Printed Metal Gun.” The weak point with previous 3D printed pistols has been the parts such as the barrel that are traditionally made of metal. But with the laser sintering process these can be fabricated from metal. With this model, the grip is an SLS (Selective Laser Sintered) carbon-fiber filled nylon hand grip.

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There’s a whole new crowd over at Recoil and they are doing a great job. Check out their story at

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8 Responses to “Metal Sintering – Making 3D Printed Guns A Reality”

  1. the tennessee ghillie says:


  2. maresdesign says:

    I’ve seen Metal Sintering machines that can do Titanium, stainless, etc.

  3. Doc B says:

    I gotta be honest. I think that the ability to do the firearms equivalent of that Picard guy’s “Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.” is nothing more than the proper course to take, and a legitimate ability to possess in a free society. To my way of thinking, this is nothing more than a return to the olde school Sears catalog way of doing business. Something, in other words, to strive toward.

    As far as the ATF goes, I believe we’d be better off without them, anyway. The facts, here, are that the world was hardly a Nerf paradise before their invention, nor will it become one so long as it is inhabited by humans. Further, a “printed” weapon will off someone only as fast as one for which you’ve had to utter the phrase, “Mother, may I?” 647 times.

  4. Enginerd says:

    Son of a…

    I’ve been working on this exact same concept for over a year. The only downside is that those SLS machines are CRAZY expensive. And the software to run them is equally insane. And most companies with those machines won’t run the risk of messing with the ATF. And lawyers are expensive. And there is no way to patent this concept, so who’s to stop Joe-moneybags next door from copying your design.

    I’m just spit-balling here but, who would be interested in using this process to make a titanium M1A? Or alternatively, a really unique AR? With this technology there are no machining limitations so it’s just as easy to make a standard run of the mill rifle or pistol as it is to make something really unique and interesting. Think surface textures like scales or intricate patterns, or hell, why not go all out and make a sculpture out of your rifle?

    Are there any wealthy investors out there?

    • Mobious says:

      And the electrical bill flies through the roof, not to mention the material cost and that’s all after lengthy design processes and trial and error…

  5. Kelvin says:

    Could some one please clarify if the barrels are rifled or just tubes?