AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

Mitch Rossell – A Soldier’s Memoir

This is a music video for Mitch Rossell’s latest single “A Soldier’s Memoir.” What’s interesting about the video is the folks at TNVC were brought in during the making of the video for night vision technical advisement and consulting. TNVC’s contributions start at the 1:59 mark.


3 Responses to “Mitch Rossell – A Soldier’s Memoir”

  1. We were honored to be part of this special event. Our very own Kyle Harth, an amazing Vet in his own right traveled to the shoot locale for technical advisement with the night vision segments.

    On this special day, I reflect deeply for our Vets, past, present and those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. I am simply humbled to be surrounded by the very best this country has to offer on any given day.

    It seems no matter how much I personally try to give back, it will never be enough based on the sacrifice for those who have given up everything including their lives so we all have the opportunity to live freely as we do here in the United States of America.

    I sincerely hope this music video touches the lives of others, gives back while continuing to bring remembrance of our brave men and women in uniform each and every day.

    Victor Di Cosola

  2. ODG says:

    Great job, on the video Victor, it was awesome!

  3. Angry Misha says:

    I WANT, NEED, MUST HAVE, one of those frags they use @ 1:57!!!