
Dale Comstock – “American Badass”

This is a trailer for Former Delta Force Operator Dale Comstock‘s book, “American Badass: The true story of a modern day Spartan“. Although I’ve never met Comstock, we have several mutual friends who speak very highly of him.

American Badass

I’ve read the book and purchased it a couple of months ago. It’s a quick read and I really enjoyed it. I will tell you a couple of things up front. It is from a small publisher and we are seeing lots of these from former military personnel hitting the shelves. Unfortunately, that means I ran across some typos. It also means that it’s not what I would consider a traditional biography. It’s really more of a collection of short chapters describing various events in his life without any consistent arc structure linking them together. One chapter doesn’t necessarily segue to the next and at times they kind of jump around. Instead, there are what I consider several sections that are chained by periods in Comstock’s life. But, this structure also allow you to pick the book up and knock out a few chapters at a whack. You can easily put it down and come back to it without losing your place.

While the book may feature an unconventional structure, I liked it and I highly suggest you pick up a copy. It’s fascinating and can be quite motivating. For example, the info on his combat experience during Urgent Fury as well as the Modelo Prison raid is great and I enjoyed reading it. And in the OTC section Comstock discusses a visualization technique he discovered as a kid which we learn about in an earlier chapter. There’s also a section I can relate to having been a single father on active duty. Finally, I’d like to thank him for teaching me that the term “butt-pirate” is hyphenated.

“American Baddass” is a great read that will take you into the life of a guy you may have seen on TV or mentioned on FaceBook. But I don’t think the tale of Dale Comstock is anywhere near its final chapter and I don’t think he shared everything about his life that he should have. Perhaps one day, he’ll publish a sequel. When he does, I can assure you, I’ll read it.


7 Responses to “Dale Comstock – “American Badass””

  1. Brearly Mason says:

    I don’t know anyone either active or otherwise that served in any branch that calls themselves a bad ass. I use to think my dad was a bad ass after returning from Vietnam; however, he quickly educated me that the only truly bad ass soldiers gave everything and didn’t come home.

    • Dale Comstock says:

      Bearly, you’re right about the comment you made; however, I am sure that you have heard the adage “don’t judge a book by the cover.” The book is not about me being a badass it’s actually about being humble, patriotic, and a positive roll model. The title is an appellation that others have given me that I do not take in the literal sense. In fact I usually humorously reply that the book is about being a “goodass.” Now with all respect to you sir: you are entitled to your opinion, but I hope you take the time to read my story and understand that I am on your side and not some self aggrandizing poser.

  2. straps says:

    Butt Pirate is a noun.

    As in, “He is a Butt Pirate of some renown.”

    Butt-Pirate is a verb.

    As in, “He was Butt-Pirated without mercy or consideration for future medical implications.”

  3. Fox says:

    I met him once working on a production set, he was real down to earth and had a great sense of humor. My impression of him was he is a Soldier’s Soldier, and though he is a cut above most in that regard, he really did not display any cocky behavior or posturing.

  4. reverend says:

    We looking at a possible movie deal? I’d rather see things like THIS in the theater than some “Chick-flick”. I know “Lone Survivor” movie is garnering some decent pre-reviews.

    • defensor fortisimo says:

      For good reason. I just saw a bootlegged copy off of someone’s hard drive, very well put together. The ending was a little overblown, honestly I thought showing the fallout of the attack on the families would have been the better route, but that’s Hollywood for you.

  5. Redleg says:

    I read the book on Kindle and enjoyed it. I’m going to get a hard copy for my boys to read as I think it has a positive message for them.

    My only gripe was that I wished he would have spent more time talking about Army life/experiences back in the 80s and 90s. Having served during the 80s-’03 my fondest memories were during the early days of my service. It was a very strange and memorable time, especially service in Germany during the Cold War…

    The morning runs where the formation smelled like a brewery, the Maneuver Rights Area (MRA) field exercises, driving our howitzer down the autobahn and then setting the guns up in a farmers field with head high corn ready for harvest upon receipt of a hasty fire mission, fording the Mosel river on a pontoon bridge, bartering MREs and light sticks in the field with the local German kid whose grandpa was a local butcher for Bratwurst & brotchen, giving another German kid who rode his bike into our battery area an AAM and having him gleefully put it on only to ride off…and pass the battalion commander who reamed our asses for “cheapening the value of the AAM by giving it to a German kid,” climbing a tree at Grafenwoehr to get away from an angry momma boar and her little ones and finally fighting off the OPFOR from my muddy fighting position in Hohenfels…in my Kevlar, LBE, Boots and brown Army underwear in the pouring rain…and that’s just some of the stuff that comes readily to mind, Good Times!!!

    Dale, I’d buy a book just focusing on your early Army experiences.

    Take care brother!