SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Sneak peek – Adams Ind HDNVG

Here are two pictures taken through night vision on a moonless cloudy night. The one on the left is regular night vision. The one on the right is through Adams Industries HDNVG.

Adams Ind NVGAdams Ind HDNVG

In normal night vision you can see that there’s a car parked in the driveway.

With HDNVG you see:
• Some of the areas you thought were street are actually grass.
• There is a tree behind the car that could provide concealment.
• There is a power pole behind the house.

Oh, and the car’s not parked in a driveway; it’s parked on the grass

Coming to SHOT Show.


32 Responses to “Sneak peek – Adams Ind HDNVG”

  1. Bushman says:

    This stuff can make some kind of revolution just like “color” X-ray scanners did in screening.
    The technology should be based on wavelength/energy selection, red tint represents 800…1500nm near-infrared, I suppose… So it should even help to detect, for example, fresh branches or grass, cut for camouflaging something – it should be visibly less red-tinted.

    • Chris Adams says:

      The night the picture was taken there was a half moon and a it was overcast. This made for an IR rich environment. Remember, we are NOT pushing this as “color night vision” only “High Definition” so though you brain may scream “trees are not red!” for the first minute or so, you get used to it. We could color correct the bushes back to green, but then we’d be throwing away a LOT of light.

      • Bushman says:

        Of course, it’s your business strategy to call it whatever you like (“HD” instead of “color”) and I understand, why – people could easily read the “color night vision” like “night vision that shows real colors”, and that’s not true, of course. While “high definition” sounds true, because human eye is able to detect color difference better than intensity difference (at least if the picture is bright enough), that’s why, for example, thermal vision devices using “ironbow” LUT. As well as “color” X-ray does not show the actual colors of stuff in your bag, but using colors to represent different materials (plastic, metal).

        I have some long experience in satellite imagery processing, and it’s OK for me to see the red vegetation, that’s why I’m so excited about that.
        So called “multispectral false-color composites” made of different visible and IR wavelengths are one of the most powerful tool of remote sensing, because it usually lets you to see much thinner details than so called “panchromatic” images.

        By the way, you can use it for advertising – something like “NASA used it for decades, now you also can”.

  2. Night vision stagnated for quite awhile but this looks to be a huge leap forward.

  3. Toby says:

    Chris, I have to say this is much better than I expected. To say the very least this is a complete game changer for any profession that needs the use of night vision. I can not wait to try this our on my Sentinel’s. This is amazing. This will be especially helpful for patrols in vegetated areas and from aircraft. Thanks for this Chris.

  4. Reseremb says:

    Can be used with a TACS-M?

  5. Will says:

    Wow! Looks like a real breakthrough! Hopefully we will get these at the day job but Im not holding my breath. Stay safe! And a big thanks to Adams Industries for investing in the technology toake MIL/LE jobs safer!

    • Chris Adams says:

      Hey Will,

      We will be offering these in kits where you can use your existing binocular goggles or two monoculars. Hopefully that will keep us from breaking the bank.

      • Will says:

        That sounds great! And thanks for the quote a while back. Les sent it to me and I still need to get back to him.

  6. Woody says:

    This looks a lot like color IR photography. Very cool to see this used with NODs. It surprises me that this hasn’t been done untll now.

    • Chris Adams says:

      Hey Woody,

      It has in some other layouts but they never seemed to get traction due to costs and ruggedness issues. We’re hoping to change that reality.

  7. Bill says:

    Wow, just about sums it up.

    • Chris Adams says:

      Thank you Sir!

      And don’t forget folks to come by booth 6409. We’ll be holding a raffle for a limited edition knife at the end of the how (thats how we plan to con you into giving us your business card).

  8. Will says:

    To clarify, can this be used on a single monocular, or does it require dual tubes/paired monoculars?

    Can we get a hint on cost?

    • Chris Adams says:

      Must be dual. You can use your existing binocular goggle or two monoculars with a bridge.

      It’s gonna be less than a grand MSRP. There’s one filter that is more than the rest combined in small quantities and that’s where we need to get some volume before the price will come down and even then it’ll be incrementally.

      • James says:

        hold the phone there, less than a grand? is that per tube or for a functioning binocular unit? I’d hope the latter but the realistic side of my brain is saying the former!

        Or am I missing the point entirely and this is a cool but expensive upgrade for existing Gen3 nods?

  9. Angry Misha says:

    So, these are just tube upgrades that can be integrated into head mounted NOD’s?

    Has there been any official government testing by PEO Soldier, NAVSEA, PEO SOF, AFMC, MCSC etc?

    Has there been any thought put into “fusing” this technology with emerging capabilities like thermal and making it sensitive SWIR in the event it replaces IR illumination for small arms targeting?

    • Chris Adams says:

      There has been mucho testing by all sorts of people and currently there are units in service.

      Right now we’re just trying to get the first steps going. We’ll get all wild with the SWIR once we can make a couple bucks. Gotta pay the rent first!

  10. Max says:

    Is this upgrade approved by the FAA?

    • Chris Adams says:

      No, this can’t be used with any goggle with minus B filters so that pretty much kills ANVIS. However we are working on a 3D kit for ANVIS goggles to greatly improve depth perception (and yes I know all the arguments about whether or not you can get depth perception with any kind of optic. Call it “perceived depth perception” if it makes you sleep better).